Tamil Nadu Gazette Name Change Performa Form Tamil PDF

Tamil Nadu Gazette Name Change Performa Form in Tamil PDF download free from the direct link below.

Tamil Nadu Gazette Name Change Performa Form - Summary

Are you looking to change your name legally in Tamil Nadu? The Tamil Nadu Gazette Name Change Performa Form is a simple document that makes this process easier. Below is valuable information to successfully complete your name change process. Please take your time to read this guidance carefully.

Steps for Name Change Application

  1. Applicant alone should sign in the application (OLD NAME).
    1. In case of minor (under 18 years), the parents or guardian must sign in the column provided. If a guardian is signing, an attested copy of the Legal Guardianship order must be enclosed. The relationship of the person signing the form should be mentioned in capital letters.
  2. Documents must be self-attested.
  3. Notice for the change of name will only be accepted for persons native to this state; a declaration must be provided in the column given.
  4. The reason for the name change must be submitted.
  5. Fees: Rs. 415/-, applicable from 9-2-2004.
  6. Method of Payment:
    1. In person: Cash
    2. By Post: Demand Draft in favour of the Assistant Director (P), Directorate of Stationery and Printing, 110, Anna Salai, Chennai-600002, drawn from a Nationalized Bank. It must be payable at Chennai. A lapsed Demand Draft should be revalidated by the individual through the respective banks.
  7. Money Orders or Indian Postal Orders are not accepted.
  8. No reminders will be sent to the party for remittance or any other particulars.
  9. The application issued by this Department alone will be accepted. Xerox copies will not be accepted. However, forms can be downloaded from the website listed below.
  10. No correspondence will be entertained with anyone other than the applicant.
  11. The correct Door No. and PIN Code Number must be written in the address.
  12. Specify the Native District only (District of Birth).
  13. Ensure correct punctuation between initials and the name.
  14. Applicant should sign in the old name only.
  15. A Life Certificate may be obtained from a Government Medical Practitioner and should be enclosed in original if the applicant’s age is 60 or above.
  16. For further details, contact the Assistant Director (P), Chennai-2, Phone No. 2852 0038, Store Section No. 2854 4412, Despatch Section No. 2854 4413 & 2854 4414.
  17. “Alias” names cannot be published in either the Old Name or New Name sections.
  18. Any discrepancies found in the Gazette’s printed matter can be rectified within a period of six months. After that, requests for corrections will not be accepted.
  19. For those who do not have a birth or educational certificate, a copy of the certificate issued by a Doctor working in any Government Hospital must be enclosed as proof of age.
  20. The Change of Name form can be downloaded from our Department’s website: http://www.stationeryprinting.tn.gov.in

Download the Name Change Form

You can download the Tamil Nadu Gazette Name Change Form in PDF format conveniently from the link given below.


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Tamil Nadu Gazette Name Change Performa Form Tamil PDF Download