Mukhyamantri Unorganized Worker Registration Form MP Hindi PDF

Mukhyamantri Unorganized Worker Registration Form MP in Hindi PDF download free from the direct link below.

Mukhyamantri Unorganized Worker Registration Form MP - Summary

Get the Mukhyamantri Unorganized Worker Registration Form MP in PDF format for easy download. This form is essential for workers in the unorganized sector, particularly in construction, to access various benefits and welfare services. In Madhya Pradesh, the मध्य प्रदेश भवन एवं अन्य संनिर्माण कर्मकार (नियोजन एवं सेवा शर्तो का विनियमन) नियम 2002 के नियम 251 के साथ पठित भवन एवं अन्य संनिर्माण कर्मकार (नियोजन एवं सेवा शर्तो का विनियमन) अधिनियम 1996 के अंतर्गत भवन एवं अन्य संनिर्माण कर्मकार के कल्याण के लिये एक मंडल का गठन राज्य शासन की अधिसूचना दिनांक 9 अप्रैल 2003 द्वारा किया गया है।

Madhya Pradesh’s Efforts for Construction Workers

In our country, more than 90 percent of workers are in the unorganized sector. This includes a large group of construction workers who play a vital role in building our cities and towns.

Importance of Registration

Registering as an unorganized worker is crucial because it helps you gain access to many welfare schemes provided by the government. It ensures that you receive the support and benefits you deserve.

So, download the Mukhyamantri Unorganized Worker Registration Form MP in PDF for your convenience. Follow the link below to get your copy and take the first step towards securing your rights and benefits.


Mukhyamantri Unorganized Worker Registration Form MP Hindi PDF Download