kerala General Assistance/Subsidy Form - Summary
Agricultural subsidies are essential for the progress of farmers, as the Indian economy heavily leans on the farming sector. A major portion of farmers’ investments goes towards modern machinery, as technology simplifies the farming process by replacing hard manual work with quick and efficient machine work. These subsidies can come in two forms: direct subsidies, which provide cash assistance directly to farmers, and indirect subsidies, where agricultural income is exempt from tax. However, most farmers prefer direct subsidies because they immediately improve their purchasing power.
Support Schemes for Farmers
The Government of India, along with various state governments, has introduced numerous schemes aimed at reducing the challenges faced by farmers. These schemes are designed to cover all aspects of agriculture, from procuring raw materials to the transport and marketing of their produce. Farmers can access different types of subsidies at each stage of the agricultural process. For instance, in Haryana, which is the highest agricultural producer in the country, the adoption of modern machinery is strongly encouraged to further agricultural advancements. Important schemes like RKVY, crop diversification, State plan, NFSM, and ISOPOM play a significant role in aiding farmers.
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