Mohfw Revised Guidelines for Covid Treatment in Home Isolation PDF

Mohfw Revised Guidelines for Covid Treatment in Home Isolation in PDF download free from the direct link below.

Mohfw Revised Guidelines for Covid Treatment in Home Isolation - Summary

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has released new Revised guidelines for Home Isolation of mild /asymptomatic COVID-19 cases.

Instructions for home isolated Covid patient

  1. Patient must isolate himself from other household members, stay in the identified room and away from other people in home, especially elderlies and those with co-morbid conditions like hypertension, cardiovascular disease, renal disease etc.
  2. The patient should be kept in a well-ventilated room with cross ventilation and windows should be kept open to allow fresh air to come in.
  3. Patient should at all times use triple layer medical mask. Discard mask after 8 hours of use or earlier if they become wet or visibly soiled. In the event of caregiver entering the room, both caregiver and patient may consider using N 95 mask.
  4. Mask should be discarded only after disinfecting it with 1% Sodium Hypochlorite.
  5. Patient must take rest and drink lot of fluids to maintain adequate hydration.
    Follow respiratory etiquettes at all times.
  6. Frequent handwashing with soap and water for at least 40 seconds or clean with an alcohol-based sanitizer.
  7. Don’t share personal items with other people in the household.
  8. Ensure cleaning of surfaces in the room that are touched often (tabletops, doorknobs, handles, etc.) with 1% hypochlorite solution.
  9. Self-monitoring of blood oxygen saturation with a pulse oximeter is strongly advised.
  10. The patient will self-monitor his/her health with daily temperature monitoring and report promptly if any deterioration of symptoms as given in the guidelines PDF.
Home Isolate Guidelines
Home Isolate Guidelines
Home Isolate Guidelines
Home Isolate Guidelines

Download the detailed COVID-19 home isolation and treatment guidelines PDF using the direct link below.


Mohfw Revised Guidelines for Covid Treatment in Home Isolation PDF Download