WBSEDCL Change of Ownership/Supply Form - Summary
Download the WBSEDCL Change of Ownership/Supply Form in PDF format using the link provided at the bottom of this article. This form is necessary for the change of ownership or a change in the purpose of supply for your existing electricity connection. In this application, you need to briefly mention the reason for both the change of ownership and the change in the purpose of supply.
By utilizing the WBSEDCL Change of Ownership/Supply Form, you can ensure that your electricity account information is current and properly reflects the new ownership or supply situation. Keeping your account details accurate helps maintain proper billing and facilitates effective communication with WBSEDCL by promptly updating any changes to your account information.
Essential Information Needed for WBSEDCL Change of Ownership/Supply Form
Required Details for WBSEDCL Change of Ownership/Supply Form
- Photo of Applicant
- Address for communication
- E-mail ID
- Mobile No.
- Consumer ID
- Installation No.
- Address of the premises (where connection exists)
- Name of existing consumer
- Class of Consumer
- Sanctioned / Contract Demand
- For Change of Ownership:
- Name of new owner / occupier
- Reason in brief for change of ownership
- Proposed reduced Load / Contract Demand
Enclosures Required for Change of Ownership:
- NOC from the owner of the existing connection (transferor) as per Annexure A4 / (for deceased consumer) Succession certificate or undertaking, through affidavit as per Annexure-A3 / Sale deed or lease deed or tenancy agreement
- Copy of the last electric bill
You can easily download the WBSEDCL Change of Ownership Form in PDF format from the link provided below or through an alternative link. Make sure to complete the form accurately to help process your request smoothly!