Kerala MCA Regular Course Prospectus 2023-24 PDF

Kerala MCA Regular Course Prospectus 2023-24 in PDF download free from the direct link below.

Kerala MCA Regular Course Prospectus 2023-24 - Summary

Download Kerala MCA Regular Course Prospectus 2023-24 in PDF format below given link. Master of Computer Applications (MCA) is a Programme of two years duration consisting of four semesters. This course is intended to train graduates in Computer Science Engineering, Computer Applications OR Science, Commerce and Arts with Mathematics as one of the subjects at 10+2 level or Graduation level in the development and use of software for different applications.

The major thrust is on giving the students a sound background in computing, business functions and Mathematics relevant to Information Technology. The Prospectus for admission to M.C.A. Course 2023-24 is published herewith. The Prospectus issued in earlier years is not valid for 2023-24

Kerala MCA Regular Course Registration 2023-24

Candidate should click the button “NEW CANDIDATE”. The personal details of the candidates have to be filled in the page thus obtained. All the basic information, required in the application is to be filled in at this step. Before filling the details, read the Prospectus carefully. The data provided here will be used for processing the application. Any mistake in filling this sheet or providing false/incomplete/wrong information will affect the candidate’s eligibility for admission or claim for reservation under any category. It is obligatory that the candidate should fill all the items in the registration stage. If the data is filled completely, after confirming that all the information given is correct and true, click the Save and Continue button to complete the registration process.

Submission of Application Form

Candidate has to visit the website and click the link Various Allotments. In the page thus obtained click on the link Admission to MCA Course 2023-24.

Fee payment

At this step, the candidate has to make the payment of application fee by way of Online Payment or by way of challan.

Select the Mode of Payment

The fee may be paid by credit card/debit card/Internet Banking. On successful payment of fee, a Payment Confirmation page will appear displaying the message ‘Transaction Successful ‘.This page will display the Application number, Transaction Id, Challan number, Date, and Amount. Candidate should note this application number and challan number which will be required for future LOGIN OF FEE REMITTED CANDIDATES.

If the payment is unsuccessful, the message ‘Transaction Unsuccessful’ will be displayed. Due to communication failure, if the outcome of the payment attempt is not displayed, the Bank may be contacted to ensure whether the attempt was successful or not. If not, the transaction was unsuccessful and the payment needs to be made again and ensure that it’s successful. If the amount was debited from the account of the candidate for an unsuccessful transaction, the debited amount will be reverted to that account within 5-7 working days. After successful payment, the candidate can resume filling of application.


1.Scanned copy of the S.S.L.C book or any other relevant record to prove the date of birth.
2. Scanned copy of the degree certificate & mark lists of the qualifying examination (if
3. Scanned copy of Equivalence/Eligibility Certificate for candidates who have passed
from universities outside Kerala
4. Anyone of the certificates as per clause 5(a) to prove nativity.
5. Scanned Copy of Non-Creamy Layer Certificate for SEBC / OEC if applicable
6. Scanned Copy Community Certificate in support of SC/ST claim
7. Scanned Copy Inter-Caste marriage certificate in the prescribed format, if applicable
8.Scanned copy of Certificate from the Medical Board for Persons with Disabilities.
9. Scanned copy of the certificate from a Medical Officer not below the rank of Assistant
Surgeon to the effect that the candidate is fit enough to undergo the M.C.A. Course
(only for a candidate claiming PD reservation seat)
10. Scanned copy of Income & Community Certificates in the prescribed format if
11.Scanned copy of EWS Certificate issued by Village officer (Applicable to general
community candidates, claiming EWS reservation).
12. Any other documents mentioned in the Notification of the Director, LBS Centre for
Science and Technology.

You can download the Kerala MCA Regular Course Prospectus 2023-24 PDF using the link given below.


Kerala MCA Regular Course Prospectus 2023-24 PDF Download