Employment Newspaper Fourth Week of February & First Week of March 2021 - Summary
Employment Newspaper is a weekly journal and is published simultaneously in Hindi, English & Urdu. Its prime objective was to provide an effective platform for job vacancies, job oriented training programmes, admission notices relating to job oriented courses, and the result of recruitment examinations. In addition to job vacancies, Rozgar Samachar, in each issue, carries an article on job opportunities in various sectors, including emerging sectors.
Employment Newspaper Fourth Week of February and First Week of March 2021) PDF contains the following Departments job/vacancy information:-
- Tezpur University
- Directorate General Fire Service Civil Defence & Home Guards
- Information and Library Network Centre
- Union Public Service Commission
- Institute of Secretariat Training & Management
- Food Corporation of India
- Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd.
- National Entrance Screening Test (NEST) 2021
- National Water Development Agency
- Reserve bank of India (RBI) board Mumbai
- Institute of human behavior & Allied Sciences (IHBAS)
- CSIR – Central Scientific Instruments Organisation
- Kendriya Hindi Sansthan- Agra
- Directorate General (Medical Branch) Central Reserve Policec Force
- IRCON International Ltd.
- India Exaim Bank
- Office of the Development Commissioner
- MSME Technology Centre
- AOC Records Pin -900453
- Steel Authority of India Ltd.
- Defence Electronics Application Laboratory (DEAL) Dehradun
For more details regarding Jobs Vacancy download the Employment Newspaper Fourth Week of February & First Week of March 2021 in PDF format using the link given below.