DU Non Reaching Recruitment 2021 Brochure - Summary
National Testing Agency has released Delhi University Recruitment 2021 for Non-Teaching Posts of 1145 vacancies. Eligible aspirants can apply online in official site from 23rd February 2021 to 16th March 2021.
Online applications are invited from Indian Nationals possessing relevant qualification(s)/ work experience for recruitment to various non-teaching posts in University of Delhi (DU), which could be seen in the Information Bulletin. Details regarding the online application, educational qualification, experience (wherever applicable) and other eligibility criteria, etc. are provided in the Information Bulletin accessible at: https:recruitment.nta.nic.in/ www.du.ac.in.
DU Non Teaching Information Brochure & Guidelines
Eligible and interested candidates are required to apply online upto 16.03.2021 (upto 23:50 pm) on the above mentioned websites, by paying prescribed application fee mentioned there in by 17.03.2021 (upto 23:50 pm).
- Candidates can apply through “Online” mode only for the post(s) as per the advertisement / vacancy circular.
- Submission of Online Application Form may be done by accessing NTA website :http://recruitment.nta.nic.in/. The Application Form in any other mode will not be accepted.
- Only one application is to be submitted by a candidate for a particular post. If it is found at a later stage that a
Candidate has submitted more than one Application Form for same post, his candidature shall be summarily
rejected for all post(s)
The National Testing Agency (NTA) invites online applications from interested / eligible candidates on behalf of the University of Delhi (DU) for filling up of the posts in the University as per the details advertised in the Information Brochure and Guidelines, in the prescribed application form available on the Websites : https://recruitment.nta.nic.in and www.du.ac.in.
For more details download the DU Non Reaching Recruitment 2021 Brochure in PDF format using the link given below.