NABARD Schemes 2021-22 PDF

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NABARD Schemes 2021-22 - Summary

NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development) is a development financial institution in India that manages credit-related concerns like planning, policy and operations for agriculture and rural undertakings.

NABARD is a provider of funding for agriculture-related activities and for rural development. The institution’s prime focus area is the growth and development of rural areas nationwide. NABARD works around three main areas that include finance, development, and supervision of the agriculture sector.

NABARD Schemes 2021-22

The objective of the Scheme is to assign short term tasks/projects/studies useful and relevant to NABARD, to talented students pursuing a post-graduate degree (having completed the first year) in Agriculture and allied disciplines (Veterinary, Fisheries, etc.), Agri-business, Economics, Social Sciences and Management from Institutes/ Universities of repute or Students pursuing 5 years integrated courses including Law and in 4th year of their course.

Provision of Short term refinance by NABARD to Small Finance Banks for financing various purposes under Short Term – Policy for the year 2021-22

  1. Considering the short term credit needs of farmers, small business units and micro enterprises, and the role played by the Small Finance Banks in purveying the same, it has been decided to extend refinance support to Small Finance Banks for short term loans, not exceeding a period of 12 months, under Section 21(1) read with Section 21(4) of NABARD Act 1981.
  2. The purposes for which such refinance is sanctioned will include short term/working capital loans for agriculture and allied sectors, a non-farm sector including artisans, weavers, handicrafts, etc. marketing of Agri produce, Agri inputs,non-farm produce etc. bonafide trade activities, etc.
  3. The governing norms of Short Term refinance by NABARD and the eligibility criteria are furnished in Annexure I. The policy would continue till further advice
  4. SFBs may arrange to forward their applications for sanction of ST refinance as per the proforma enclosed (Annexure-II), complete in all respects, to NABARD Head Office, with a copy to NABARD Regional Office at the State where its Head Quarters is located.

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