British English and American English Words List - Summary
American English and British English are not only different in accent but they are also different in pronunciation and spellings in some places. In a simpler world, English would be written the same way everywhere. However, when Noah Webster created an American English dictionary in the early 1800s, he did more than just add new words to British English: he also revised the spelling of many common words to eliminate
what he saw as unnecessary letters.
The words beginning each list are intended to establish overall patterns, whereas the words in italics toward the end of the lists are examples
of deviations from the rule.
British English and American English Words List
British | American |
Alsatian | German shepherd |
American Indian | Native American |
Aubergine | Eggplant |
Aerial (TV, radio) | Antenna, aerial |
Aerial | Antenna |
Alsatian | German shepherd |
Accelerator | Gas pedal, accelerator |
Autumn | Fall |
At the weekend | On the weekend |
Anorak | Jacket, parka |
Bank holiday | Legal holiday |
Bin, dustbin | Garbage can/trash can |
Biro | Ball-point pen |
Banknote | Bill |
Book | Make reservations |
Base rate | Prime rate |
Braces | Suspenders |
Bill | Check |
Boot | Trunk |
Boot | Trunk /rear deck |
Beetroot | Beet |
Curriculum vitae (CV) | Résumé |
Chest of drawers | Bureau |
Clothes peg | Clothespin |
Condom | Rubber |
Candy floss | Cotton candy |
Catalogue | Catalog |
Cooker | Stove |
Cotton wool | Cotton ball |
Caretaker | Janitor |
Crossroads | Crossroad (in the country) |
Colour | Color |
Corporation | City |
Car park | Parking lot |
Centre | Downtown |
Cinema | Movie house/ theater |
Crisps | Chips |
Chips | French fries |
Cloakroom | Checkroom, coatroom |
Chemist’s shop | Drug store / Pharmacy |
Chips | French fries |
Full stop | Period |
Film | Movie |
Fancy dress | Costumes |
From Monday to Friday | From Monday to Friday |
Fish-fingers | Fish-sticks |
Flannel | Face cloth, wash cloth |
Garden | Yard |
Ground floor | First floor |
Gallery | Balcony |
Garden | Yard |
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