ITI Trade List in Maharashtra PDF

ITI Trade List in Maharashtra in PDF download free from the direct link below.

ITI Trade List in Maharashtra - Summary

The ITI trade list in Maharashtra has been officially released by the Directorate of Vocational Education and Training, Maharashtra. You can easily view or download the complete Maharashtra ITI trade list from the link provided below.

ITI Trade List in Maharashtra – Download Trade Wise List of ITI

  • Amravati Region ITI
  • Aurangabad Region ITI
  • Nagpur Region ITI
  • Nashik Region ITI
  • Pune Region ITI

Maharashtra ITI Colleges – Trade/Courses Offered

Candidates can explore the various trades and courses offered by Maharashtra ITI colleges. The available programs include:

  1. Architectural Assistant
  2. Computer Hardware and Network Maintenance
  3. Computer Operator and Programming Assistant
  4. Interior Decoration and Designing
  5. Mechanic Diesel
  6. Mechanic Machine Tools Maintenance
  7. Painter General
  8. Technician Power Electronic Systems
  9. Mechanic Diesel
  10. Sheet Metal Worker
  11. Turner
  12. Interior Decoration and Designing
  13. Food and Beverage Guest Service Assistant
  14. Instrument Mechanic
  15. Mechanic Diesel

You can download the ITI Trade List in Maharashtra PDF using the link given below. This list will help you understand the available trades and make the right choice for your education and career. ЁЯУЭ


ITI Trade List in Maharashtra PDF Download