Rajasthan Excise Policy 2020-21 - Summary
For the year 2020-21, the annual amount will not be arranged and will be arranged after the invitation has been invited. Applications will be received on-line for allotment of Devi Maddara and Rajasthan and Rashtriya Shishtha Maddara (RML) shops. Detailed instructions regarding the online application and details will be issued by the Excise Commission, Rajasthan, which will be submitted along with the application form along with the class website.
A washer of the next Excise Bandobashi will be held for one year 2020-21 (Dand Raga 1-4-2020 to Dand Raga 31-3-2021). Junko Regeneration work possible for one more year. 1.2 Changes made in Excise and Liquor Restraint Procedure 2020-21, which are provided by the Regulation Excise Amendment Grant, 1950 or other excise related statutes, uplifting rabbits, ranks, stanks rules. Yes, amended by amending those related statutes / rules / regulations.