Punjab Scholarship Scheme Application Form 2021 Punjabi PDF

Punjab Scholarship Scheme Application Form 2021 in Punjabi PDF download free from the direct link below.

Punjab Scholarship Scheme Application Form 2021 - Summary

Punjab Scholarship Scheme Application Form PDF can be download from the official website http://www.scholarships.punjab.gov.in/ or ti can be directly download from the link given at the bottom of this page. Application for Scholarship Scheme Punjab also in the English language download in PDF format.

The objective of the scheme is to award scholarships to meritorious students belonging to economically weaker sections of minority community so as to provide them better opportunities for higher education, increase their rate of attainment in higher education and enhance their employ ability.

Punjab Scholarship Scheme – Conditions & Eligibility

  • Scholarships will be paid to the students whose parents/guardians’ income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 2,50,000/- (Rupees two lakh, fifty thousands only) per annum.
  • The scholarships are open to nationals of India.
  • These scholarships will be given for the study of all recognized post-matriculation or post-secondary courses pursued in recognized institutions with the following exceptions: “Scholarships are not awarded for training courses like Aircraft Maintenance Engineer’s
    Courses and Private Pilot license Courses. Courses at Training – Ship Dufferin (Now Rajendra), courses of training at the Military College, Dehradun, courses at Preexamination Training Centres of all India and State levels.”
  • Candidates who after passing one stage of education are studying in the same stage of education in different subject e.g. I.Sc. after I.A. or B.Com. after B.A. or M.A. in other subject will not be eligible.
  • Students who, after having completed their educational career in one professional line, e.g. L.L.B. after B.T./B.Ed. will not be eligible. From the academic year 1980-81, studies in two professional courses are allowed.
  • All children of the same parents/guardians will be entitled to receive benefits of the

Punjab Scholarships 2021 Amount

Dr.Hargobind Khurana scholarship scheme Rs. 2500 per month for two years during Senior Secondary education
Encouragement award to SC girls Rs. 3000 per year in 12th class
Free textbook scheme Textbooks at free of cost during 11th and 12th class
Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojna Rs. 80000 per year during 1st to 3rd year of UG in basic science
Rs. 1.12 lakh per year during 4th & 5th of PG in basic science
National means-cum-merit scholarship (NMMS) Rs. 1000 per month to selected students from 9th to 12th.
National Talent Search Examination Rs 1250 per month during 11th & 12th.
Rs. 2000 per month during UG & PG
As per UGC norms during Ph.D
Post-matric scholarship for Minority category students Maintenance allowance varies from Rs. 160 for day scholar and Rs. 260 for hostler.
Actual fees or a maximum of Rs. 7000 is reimbursed
Post-matric scholarship for OBC students Maintenance allowance ofRs. 160 per month Non-refundable fees and other charges
Post-matric scholarship for SC students Maintenance allowance of Rs. 230 per month Non-refundable fees and other charges
Pre-matric scholarship for Minority category students Rs. 500 per annum or actual admission fees and Rs. 350 per month or actual tuition fees is given to all students.
Day Scholar: Rs.100 per month for 10 months to students from classes 1 to 10.
Hostler: Rs. 600 per month for 10 months to students from classes 6 to 10.
Pre-matric scholarship for OBC Maintenance allowance of Rs. 500 (Hostler) or Rs. 100 (Day Scholar) per month for 10 months
Adhoc grant of Rs. 500 per year is given to all hostellers & day scholars
Pre-matric scholarship for SC Maintenance allowance of Rs. 525 (Hostler) or Rs. 225(Day Scholar) per month for 10 months
Rs. 1000 (Hostler) and Rs. 750 (Day Scholar) per year

Punjab Scholarship Scheme – Schedule 2021

Scholarship Activity Schedule 2021-22 PDF
Scholarship Activity Schedule 2021-22 PDF

You can download the Punjab Scholarship Scheme Application Form PDF using the link given below.


Punjab Scholarship Scheme Application Form 2021 Punjabi PDF Download