Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023 Certificate Download PDF

Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023 Certificate Download in PDF download free from the direct link below.

Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023 Certificate Download - Summary

Pariksha Pe Charcha by Prime Minister Narendra Modi was much anticipated this year. According to a recent announcement from the Ministry of Education, PPC 2023 registration is about to close. Students who want to speak with Prime Minister Modi can now sign up for the initiative on the Ministry’s official website. Registrations for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’ have already started. The last date to apply for the 6th edition of ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023 Certificate Download PDF’, hosted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), is December 30.

The competition is open for school students of classes 9 to 12. Students can submit their responses to any one of the themes provided to them. They may also submit their question to the Hon’ble Prime Minister in a maximum of 500 characters. Parents and teachers can also participate and submit their entries in the online activities designed exclusively for them.

Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023 Certificate Download – Theme (Topics)

For Students

  • Know your freedom fighters (हमारी आज़ादी के नायक ): What life stories have you heard about freedom fighters of your state or region? What inspirations do you draw from their lives? How do you want to serve your nation?
  • Our culture is our pride (हमारी संस्कृति हमारा गर्व): What is special about your state’s culture? What elements of that culture make you feel proud of your country?
  • My Book My Inspiration (मेरी प्रिय किताब): Which book has had the most influence on you, and why?
  • Save Environment for future generations (आने वाली पीढ़ियों के लिये पर्यावरण सुरक्षा): What are your thoughts on sustainable development? What challenges do you see for our future generations as a result of climate change? What steps must we take to safeguard our environment? As a student, how can you contribute to long-term development?
  • My life, my health (अच्छा स्वास्थ्य क्यों जरूरी है): Why is staying healthy so important? What do you do to keep your health in check?
  • My startup dream (मेरा स्टार्टअप का सपना):  Entrepreneurship among students is essential for self-sufficiency and success in life while also contributing to the nation’s economy and work culture. What are your hopes for your own startup?
  • STEM education/ education without boundaries (सीमाओं के बिना शिक्षा): NEP 2020 encourages students to be flexible in their subject selection. Students are free to study subjects of their choosing, to chart their own course, and to pursue a career of their choosing. There is life outside of Science and Mathematics. What are your thoughts on this? What are your concerns about this transformative recommendation? What are your recommendations?
For Teachers

  • Our Heritage (हमारी धरोहर): What is the importance of teaching ‘Indian’ traditional knowledge for holistic development of students? How do you intend to integrate it into your school curriculum?
  • Enabling Learning Environment (शिक्षा का अनुकूल माहौल): What is your role as a teacher in creating a healthy and conducive learning environment for your students’ emotional and mental well-being? How will you structure activities to ensure that all students participate and learn? What are your thoughts and feelings about peer learning?
  • Education for Skilling (कौशल के लिए शिक्षा): Skill education is very important. Though the entire education system in our country needs to be transformed in order to provide skill education, the promotion of Vocational Education among secondary students is critical. The reason for this is that many students do not want to pursue academics/higher education, but rather want to explore different avenues to advance in life. What are your thoughts on the matter?
  • Lesser Curricular Load and No fear for exams (पाठ्यक्रम का कम भार और परीक्षा का कोई भय नहीं): Students can learn through experiential learning and project-based curriculum; having confidence in what and how they learn reduces the pressure of examinations. What initiatives will you take as a teacher to implement the NEP 2020 perspective?
  • Future educational challenges (भविष्य में शिक्षा की चुनौतियाँ) : What, in your opinion, are the current educational challenges? How should schools, teachers, and parents help children cope with changing educational expectations?
For Parents

  • My child, my teacher (मेरा बच्चा, मेरा अध्यापक ): What is something unique or interesting your child has taught you? How did you learn it and adjust to it? Why is it important to adapt to our children’s interests?
  • Adult Education- Making everyone literate (प्रौढ़ शिक्षा – सभी को साक्षर बनायें) : What according to you is the importance of Adult Education? How can it result in a more empowered nation? How can children help adults understand contemporary issues?
  • Learning and growing together (सीखना और एक साथ बढ़ना): How will you complement your child’s learning at home with what he or she is learning at school? Write a creative note about your role as a parent in your child’s healthy learning process.

How to Download Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023 Certificate Download

  • Participants will have to go to
  • On the homepage, candidates will have to log in using registration credentials
  • After logging in, the option of downloading the certificate will be active
  • Candidates will have to enter the required details (if any) and submit the same
  • The certificate will be displayed on a screen
  • Check and download the same
  • Take its printout for future reference

You can download the Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023 Certificate Download PDF using the link given below.


Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023 Certificate Download PDF Download