Indian Philosophy Book - Summary
Indian philosophy is the rich tradition of ancient thought from the Indian subcontinent. Shankara, also known as Shankaracharya, is regarded as the father of Indian Philosophy. Born in 700 AD in Kaladi village and passing away in 750 AD at Kedarnath, he is celebrated as a philosopher and theologian. He is the most renowned proponent of the Advaita Vedanta school, whose teachings have significantly influenced modern Indian thought.
Key Systems of Hindu Philosophy
The philosophy of Hinduism, also recognized as Indian Philosophy, encompasses six primary systems or shastras, which are outlined below:
- Sankhya Darshan: Maharishi Kapil is credited with this philosophical school, known for its numerological approach. It is one of the most influential scriptures, impacting thinkers like Gita, Gautam Buddha, and Mahavir Swami.
- Yoga Darshan: Maharshi Patanjali, the master of yoga philosophy, authored the renowned treatise on yoga and meditation called the Patanjali Yoga Sutra.
- Nyaya Darshan: Rishi Akshaypad is known for his judicial philosophy, which forms one of the earliest systems of logic and reasoning.
- Vaisheshika Darshan: Written by Maharshi Kanada, this shastra is closely related to Nyaya and explores categories of existence.
- Mimansa Darshan: Authored by Maharishi Krishna Devayan, this shastra is divided into two parts: Purva Mimamsa, focusing on Dharma, and Uttara Mimamsa, which discusses Brahman.
- Vedanta Darshan: Vedanta has three key branches—Advaita, Vishisht Advaita, and Dvaita. The leading figures in these branches include Shankaracharya, Madhvacharya, and Ramanujacharya.
Contents of the Indian Philosophy Book
The Indian Philosophy Book covers a wide variety of topics, including:
- Indian philosophy
- Charvak philosophy
- The Buddhist Darshana
- The Mâdhyamik Tradition (Philosophy)
- Yogâchâr Tradition (Philosophy)
- Sautrântik Darshanam (Philosophy)
- Vaibhâshik Darshana (Philosophy)
- Jain Darshana (Philosophy)
- Darshan
- Sânkhya Darshana (Philosophy)
- Yoga Darshana
- Nyâya Darshana (Philosophy)
- Vaisheshik Darshana
- Purva Mimâmsa Darshana (Philosophy)
- Uttara Mimâmsa Darshana
- The Doctrines of the Âchâryas
- The Life of Sri Shankarâchârya
- Sri Râmânujâchârya
- Sri Madhvâchârya
- Sri Nimbârkâchârya
- The Râmânandi Tradition
- Shri Chaitanya Mahâprabhu
- Shree Swaminarayan
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