Self Appraisal Performa for Nursing Colleges 2023-24 (BFUHS) - Summary
BABA FARID UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES (BFUHS) has released the Self Appraisal Performa of Nursing Colleges for years 2023-24. Anyone can download the PDF form online from the official website of BFUHS on directly from the given link below.
Some points for the note that all entries in this form should be completed and no blank should be left. Nil or ‘0’ or NA must be written against each parameter as applicable and each page of Performa should be signed by inspectors. You can download this PDF in high-quality and printable format from the given bottom link.
Required details for Self Appraisal Performa of Nursing Colleges 2023-24
- Name of the Institution
- Full Address with Pin Code
- Telephone Numbers
- Fax Number
- Website Address
- Email Address
- Contact Number of Principal
- Name of Society / Trust
- Organisation: (Government / Private / Voluntary /Autonomous / Military / Municipal Corp etc.)
- Date of Establishment
You can download the (BFUHS) Self Appraisal Performa for Nursing Colleges 2023-24 PDF using the link given below.