West Bengal Persons with Disabilities Institution Registration Certificate PDF

West Bengal Persons with Disabilities Institution Registration Certificate in PDF download free from the direct link below.

West Bengal Persons with Disabilities Institution Registration Certificate - Summary

Are you searching for the West Bengal Application form to get a Certificate of Registration for your institution that helps Persons with Disabilities? This step is crucial for organisations aiming to provide support and gain recognition in disability services. To successfully complete your application, make sure to gather the following important documents:

Required Documents for Registration

1. Prospectus of the Institution: This document shares details about the services your institution offers.

2. Constitution of the Organisation: A copy of this document outlines the rules and regulations by which your organisation operates.

3. Latest Available Annual Report: An updated report showcases the progress and activities your institution has achieved in the past year.

4. Income & Expenditure Sheet: Financial transparency is very important. Be sure to include a duly audited income and expenditure statement along with the receipt and payment accounts.

How to Proceed with the Application

Once you have all the necessary documents in place, fill out the application form carefully to ensure a smooth registration process. Remember that the registration certificate is vital for gaining recognition and credibility as an institution dedicated to supporting Persons with Disabilities.

Don’t forget to download the PDF for easy reference and keep it handy for your application. It’s important to stay updated on any changes in the registration process. For more information and to start your application, click here to download the relevant PDF file.


West Bengal Persons with Disabilities Institution Registration Certificate PDF Download