Parts of Speech PDF

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Parts of Speech - Summary

Parts of speech PDF are among the first grammar topics we learn when we are in school or when we start our English language learning process. Parts of speech can be defined as words that perform different roles in a sentence. Some parts of speech can perform the functions of other parts of speech too. Parts of speech include nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.

Parts of speech is a term used to describe the traditional class of words in the English language that varies according to the function performed or the idea denoted by those words in a sentence. There are various parts of speech but the major parts of speech are only eight, namely Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Prepositions, Conjunctions, and Interjections.

Parts of Speech – Types

S. No. Parts of Speech Definition Examples
1 Noun Name of a person, place, or thing Butter, house, man, girl
2 Pronoun Used in place of a noun to avoid repetition He, she, they
3 Verb Action Words Jump, sit, walk
4 Adjective Words used to describe a noun or pronoun Blue, smart, beautiful
5 Adverb Adds something to the meaning of verb or adjective Gently, carefully
6 Preposition Words placed before a noun or pronoun to form a relationship in a sentence On, at, in, over, above
7 Conjunction Joining words Or, and, but
9 Interjections Words that help express emotions Wow !, Oops!

Parts of Speech Examples

1) Noun

  1. That cat is black
  2. He lost his socks
  3. The monkey is eating bananas
  4. Raj has not completed his tasks yet

2) Pronoun

  1. She is angry.
  2. They have already left
  3. I am busy
  4. Those puppies are so cute.

3) Verb

  1. Ram is playing
  2. Shyam is eating
  3. He is riding a bicycle.
  4. She looks sad

4) Adjective

  1. She is a cruel sister
  2. He looks charming.
  3. The lady looks pretty in a saree.
  4. That was a huge bungalow.

5) Adverb

  1. Rita arrived early today
  2. She drives slowly
  3. She speaks softly
  4. Only Rohit was late at the party

6) Prepositions

  1. I am standing over the bridge
  2. They all spoke against the watchman
  3. She lives across the street.
  4. Sorry for the delay.

7) Conjunctions

  1. Shreya and Riya are friends.
  2. She is pretty but not smart.
  3. She loves momos with mayonnaise.
  4. The students were not keeping quiet so the teacher left.

8) Interjections

  1. Oops! I forget her birthday.
  2. Ouch! I am hurt.
  3. Alas! A bad day.
  4. Ahh! What a lovely pair of shoes.

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