Singular and Plural Words List PDF

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Singular and Plural Words List - Summary

Plural nouns are words used to indicate that there is more than one person, animal, place, thing, or idea. The difference between singular and plural nouns is simple once you know what to look for.

The difference between singular and plural nouns is easy to spot. When a noun indicates one only, it is a singular noun. When a noun indicates more than one, it is plural.

Singular and Plural Words List

Singular Plural
Woman Women
Man Men
Child Children
Tooth Teeth
Foot Feet
Person People
Leaf Leaves
Mouse Mice
Table Tables
Chair Chairs
Father Fathers
Mother Mothers
Sister Sisters
Uncle Uncles
Singular Plural
Bird Birds
Boy Boys
Bone Bones
Cow Cows
Toy Toys
Horse Horses
Cat Cats
Dog Dogs
Hand Hands
Leg Legs
Shop Shops
Car Cars
Jar Jars
Singular Plural
Gas Gasses
Ass Asses
Lass Lasses
Class Classes
Bush Bushes
Glass Glasses
Singular Plural
Bench Benches
Inch Inches
Clutch Clutches
Watch Watches
Box Boxes
Fox Foxes
Boy Boys
Day Days
Donkey Donkeys
Essay Essays
Key Keys
Monkey Monkeys
Ray Rays
Army Armies
Baby Babies
City Cities
Copy Copies
Country Countries
Sky Skies
Cry Cries
Duty Duties
Family Families
Fly Flies
Lady Ladies
Story Stories
Bamboo Bamboos
Cuckoo Cuckoos
Radio Radios
Buffalo Buffaloes
Hero Heroes
Mango Mangoes
Potato Potatoes
Calf Calves
Leaf Leaves
Loaf Loaves
Life Lives
Knife Knives
Half Halves
Self Selves
Thief Thieves
Wife Wives
Chief Chiefs
Cliff Cliffs
Hoof Hoofs
Proof Proofs
Man Men
Woman Women
Mouse Mice
Louse Lice
Ox Oxen
Deer Deer
Dozen Dozen
Fish Fish
Hair Hair
News News
Poetry Poetry
Scissors Scissors
Sheep Sheep
Trousers Trousers
Child Children
Father-in-law Fathers-in-law
Mother-in-law Mothers-in-law
Sister-in-law Sisters-in-law
Brother-in-law Brothers-in-law
Daughter-in-law Daughters-in-law
Son-in-law Sons-in-law
Step son Step sons
Maid servant Maid servants
Class fellow Class fellows

Singular Noun Examples

The following sentences contain singular nouns examples.

  1. The boy had a baseball in his hand.
  2. My horse prefers to wear an English saddle.
  3. That cat never seems to tire of jumping in and out of the box.
  4. You stole my idea and didn’t give me any credit.
  5. Your mom is going to be upset about that broken lamp.
  6. It’s not difficult to grow a tree as long as you give it plenty of water.
  7. I can’t believe you let your dog stick his head out the window while you drive.

Plural Noun Examples

The following sentences contain plural noun examples.

  1. The boys were throwing baseballs back and forth between bases.
  2. Our horses are much happier wearing lightweight English saddles.
  3. Those cats never seem to tire of chasing one another in and out of those boxes.
  4. You stole my ideas and didn’t give me any credit.
  5. Our moms are going to be upset that we stayed out all night going to parties.
  6. It’s not too difficult to grow trees as long as you provide them with plenty of water.
  7. I can’t believe you allow your dogs to climb all over the seats while you are driving.

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