Tamil Nadu Domain Name and SSL Certificate Form PDF

Tamil Nadu Domain Name and SSL Certificate Form in PDF download free from the direct link below.

Tamil Nadu Domain Name and SSL Certificate Form - Summary

  • Administrators are requested to configure the Application server with the requested Domain Name.
  • The SSL Certificate should be configured properly with required strong hashing algorithms and the Server should not accept the weak hashing algorithms
  • The application should be assessed for Vulnerability assessment and should not be vulnerable.
  • Administrator has to complete the Hardening of Server, Operating Systems, Databases and Network should be completed before releasing to Usage.
  • By not doing so (point number 1, 2, 3 & 4above) if the Server is compromised by hackers and the hacker can deface the existing contents or retrieve the data,NIC is neither responsible nor accountable for this type of misuse of the compromised Servers. Gross misuse if detected will disable the Domain Name.
  • The traffic and access to the application has to be monitored and relevant actions has to be taken depending on nature of unauthorized access
  • 7.Administrators are requested to renew the Domain Name and SSL in advance to facilitate disruption free services
  • Administrators are requested to install the Antivirus software with latest pattern update periodically and OS patches in their system.
  • NIC or Government is not responsible for the contents that are hosted in the Servers.The views expressed are solely that of the originator.
  • Administrators has to take all possible measures to prevent data loss, however, due to unforeseen technical issues, if the same happens, NIC cannot be held responsible.
  • Contact our 24×7 support if you have any problems. phone 044-25670193or you can send mail to domainsupport@tn.gov.in.


Tamil Nadu Domain Name and SSL Certificate Form PDF Download