Ram Raksha Stotram (रामरक्षास्तोत्रम्) - Summary
Shri Rama Raksha Stotram (रामरक्षास्तोत्रम्) is a powerful Sanskrit prayer that acts as a hymn of praise and a protective shield provided by Lord Rama. This beautiful composition, which contains 38 enchanting stanzas, is attributed to Budha Kaushika, a respected Rishi who received this divine knowledge in a dream from Lord Shiva.
Understanding Ram Raksha Stotram
The Ram Raksha Stotram is beloved by devotees who seek safety and blessings. By reciting this stotra with faith, one can invite the divine protection of Lord Rama into their life. This sacred text is often chanted during daily prayers and spiritual gatherings, making it an essential resource for those on their path of devotion.
How to Use Ram Raksha Stotram
To experience its full benefits, it is vital to chant the Ram Raksha Stotram with pure devotion and concentration. This not only serves as a spiritual practice but also helps one develop a deeper connection with Lord Rama and brings peace of mind. 🌼
ऊँ अस्य श्रीरामरक्षास्तोत्रमन्त्रस्य बुधकौशिक ऋषि: श्रीसीता रामचन्द्रो देवता अनुष्टुप् छन्द: सीता शक्ति: श्रीमान् हनुमान् कीलकं श्रीरामचन्द्रप्रीत्यर्थे रामरक्षास्तोत्रजपे विनियोग: ।
|| अथ ध्यानम ||
ध्यायेदाजानुबाहुं धृतशरधनुषं बद्धपद्मासनस्थं, पीतं वासो वसानं नवकमल दलस्पर्धिनेत्रं प्रसन्नम् ।
वामांकारूढ़सीतामुखकमलमिलल्लोचनं नीरदाभं नानालंकारदीप्तं दधतमुरुजटामण्डलं रामचन्द्रम् ।
|| स्तोत्रम ||
चरितं रघुनाथस्य शतकोटिप्रविस्तरम् ।
एकैकमक्षरं पुंसां महापातकनाशनम् ।।1।।
(Continue with the rest of the stotra…)
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