Pinjore Master Plan 2031 - Summary
Pinjore Master Plan 2031 is an important document that guides the development of the Pinjore-Kalka towns situated on the Ambala-Shimla National Highway No. 5. Both towns are part of the Periphery Controlled Area, as declared by notification No. 2415-IVDP-72/1329 on 21st March 1972 under the Punjab New Capital (Periphery) Control Act, 1952, Amendment Act 1972.
Understanding the Master Plan
A master plan is a strategic land-use plan focused on one or more areas that identifies necessary access, general improvements, and infrastructure needs. It is designed to guide growth and development over several years and in phases.
The master plan serves as an essential planning document, providing a spatial layout that structures land use and development effectively. The term ‘master plan’ encompasses a variety of scopes, ranging from a 10-year implementation at the regional level to smaller illustrative plans for groups of buildings.
Benefits of the Master Plan
The Pinjore Master Plan 2031 aims to improve the overall living standards of the residents while promoting organized growth in both towns. It addresses critical infrastructure needs and ensures sustainable development for years to come.
For those interested, you can download the Pinjore Master Plan 2031 in PDF format using the link provided below for easy access and reference.