Ontikoppal Panchangam 2022 Kannada PDF

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Ontikoppal Panchangam 2022 - Summary

Ontikoppal Panchangam 2022-2023 (Mysore Panchangam) is a Kannada Panchangam published every year by Tn Krishnaiah Setty & Sons. Ontikoppal or Vontikoppal officially called Vani Vilas Mohalla (V. V. Mohalla) is a small area or locality in Mysore City. This Shubhakruth nama samvatsara Vontikoppal Kannada Panchanga 2022-2023 or Kannada panchanga gives complete information about auspicious muhurtham details, all festival information, and Rashi phalam details of this year.

Ontikoppal panchangam gives particular information about grahanam details (Surya & Chandra Grhanam), muhurtham for all other traditional events like gruhapravesam, upanayana, and others. This Kannada Panchanga 2022-2023 or Shubhakruth nama samvatsare Kannada panchanga. This Kannada Panchangam is comprised of yearly predictions (Varsha rashiphala), major Kannada festivals, holidays, auspicious days, Kannada Hindu wedding dates or marriage shubh muhuratas, Upanayana dates, Gruhapravesha dates, Surya grahana dates 2022-2023, Chandra Grahana dates 2022-2023, and daily panchanga details.

Ontikoppal Panchangam 2022 – Overview

Publisher Shyamaraj (1 January 2019)
Language Kannada
Country of Origin India
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Know more about Ontikoppal Panchangam 2022-2023

In Hinduism and Vedic astrology there is a special emphasis on fasting, festivals, alms, and muhurta. Without this, no ritual in Hinduism can be imagined. Here you can find information about festivals, fasting, alms, muhurta, etc. In addition, there is also the benefit of information related to the Chaughdia, Hora, Abhijit Rahu period, and the two Ghati Muhurta for the calculation of Muhurtha. You will find information related to weekly, tithi, nakshatra, yoga, Karana and sunrise-sunset, and moonrise-moon rays on a daily and monthly alignment. With the help of the Hindu calendar and Indian calendar, you get information about the festivals, festivals, rituals, and other important events that occur every year. With the information available in this book, you can calculate the date and time of your city’s various festivals and functions with the help of online software.

You can download the Ontikoppal Panchangam 2022 PDF using the link given below.

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