Nabi Na Naam Dawoodi Bohra - Summary
The last ten days of Shehrullah are known as the ten days of ‘itqun-minan-naar (freedom from hellfire) based on the khutba of Rasulullah SA in the last days of Shabaan. If you also want to get it for free then you have landed on the right article because it is available here.
Nabi Na Naam Dawoodi Bohra is a famous prayer that is recited by the followers of Islam and the Bohra community. Nabi Na Naam Dawoodi Bohra is a very vital prayer among all.
Nabi Na Naam Dawoodi Bohra
1. Roza – Continue Shehrullah Roza.
2. Namaaz: Pray all five farizat namaz on time with their respective sunnat and naafilat. As Rasulullah SA has said, in Shehrullah the sawaab for praying one farizat is the equivalent of praying 70 farizat in other months and praying sunnat in Shehrullah is equivalent in sawaab to praying farizat in other months.
- Fajr: Sunnat 1 salaam before faraz
- Zohr: Sunnat 3 salaams before faraz and Nafilat 2 salaams after faraz
- Asar: Sunnat 2 salaam before faraz
- Maghrib: Sunnat 3 salaams after faraz and 1 salaam for ‘daf’il aafaat’
- Isha: Sunnat 2 salaam before faraz and Nafilat 2 salaams after faraz
3. Aakhir Jumoa & Nabi Na Naam
Do tasbeeh of salawaat on Anbiyaa’ SA (Nabi na naam) and pray two rak’ats for “ibtighaa’ al-Fadl was sawaab” after nabi na naam the following times:
- 28mi raat Aakhir Jumoa raat (Thursday 28th April)
- 28mi tareekh Aakhir Jumoa no din (Friday 29th April) – at zawal, before praying zohr.
- 29mi raat (Friday 29th April) – after Isha Nafilat.
- 30mi raat (Saturday 30th April) – after Isha Nafilat.
4. DOA
- Allahumma haadha shahru Ramadan after each faraz (Dawat ni Zaban, English translations and audio recording of Syedna Burhanuddin RA available).
- Doa of Imam Ali Zainul Aabideen SA after Fajr namaaz (Dawat ni Zaban, English translations and audio/video recording of Syedna Fakhruddin TUS reciting this doa available).
- Doa after Zohor nafilat (English translation and audio available)
You can download Nabi Na Naam Dawoodi Bohra PDF by using the link given below.