List of Behaviors (30+) - Summary
Behavior is the way people and living things act, whether it’s individuals, animals, or even machines interacting with the world around them. It shows how they respond to different situations, whether triggered by feelings, thoughts, or events in their lives.
Varieties of Behavior
Understanding different behaviors can help us interact better with those around us. Below is a list of behaviors categorized into general good behavior, unacceptable behavior, personal behavior, and positive social behavior. Each category highlights different traits that one might observe in people.
List of Behaviors
General Good Behavior: adaptable, brave, confident, cooperative, courageous, debonair, decisive, determined, generous, hilarious, honorable, kind, lively, pleasant, productive, protective, receptive, reflective, responsible, romantic, self-assured, sensitive, shrewd, unusual, witty, wonderful, zany, and zealous.
Unacceptable Behavior: They are: abrasive, abusive, angry, anxious, belligerent, boorish, cowardly, crazy, creepy, cruel, dangerous, defiant, erratic, finicky, flashy, flippant, foolish, furtive, guarded, jittery, malicious, mysterious, obnoxious, outrageous, panicky, secretive, strange, threatening, unsuitable, vengeful, and wary.
Personal Behavior:
- Active: always busy with something
- Ambitious: strongly wants to succeed
- Assertive: being outgoing and confident
- Careless: not being careful; rushing into things
- Cautious: being very careful
- Conceited: thinks he is better than others; arrogant
- Conscientious: taking time to do things right
- Creative: someone who can make up things easily or think of new things
- Curious: always wanting to know things
- Docile: submissive, does what he is told
- Extroverted: very outgoing; confident
- Impulsive: saying or doing things without thinking first
- Introverted: keeps to himself, doesn’t share thoughts and feelings
- Inventive: thinks of new ideas
- Nervous: very uncomfortable
- Passive: does not argue; does as he is told
- Perfectionist: wants everything to be done right and perfectly
- Pragmatic: always sees the practical side of things
- Reserved: keeps thoughts and feelings to himself
- Serious: no-nonsense kind of behavior
- Shy: quiet and reserved; lacking in confidence
- Trustworthy: simply worthy of someone’s trust
- Volatile: changing moods very quickly
Positive Social Behavior:
- Caring: desire to help people
- Charming: pleasant, delightful
- Considerate: thinking of others
- Enthusiastic: has strong feelings; ardent
- Excitable: gets excited easily
- Faithful: being loyal
- Funny: causing people to laugh
- Kind: thoughtful, caring
- Pleasant: polite
- Polite: exhibiting good manners
- Sincere: being totally honest
- Thoughtful: thinking things over
For even more details, you can download the List of Behaviors PDF using the link given below. This will help you understand behaviors better and enhance your interactions with others.