Kirtan Sohila Punjabi PDF

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Kirtan Sohila - Summary

Kirtan Sohila is a night prayer in Sikhism. Its name means ‘Song of Praise’. It is composed of five hymns or shabad, the first three by Guru Nanak Dev, the fourth by Guru Ram Das and the fifth by Guru Arjan Dev. This hymn is usually recited at the conclusion of evening ceremonies at the Gurdwara and also recited as part of Sikh funeral services. This hymn is also recited before sleeping during bedtime.

Kirtan Sohila composition is by Shri Guru Nanak Dev in “Gauri Deepki Raga”. It appears these are the answers to the questions put by some saints to Guru Ji. Sikh recite this prayer in morning and evening to impress god. The lines of this Kirtan is very beautiful and full of motivation and devotion. Below we have given download link for Kirtan Sohila PDF in Punjabi.

Kirtan Sohila

  1. The first shabad visualises the union of the personal self with the Ultimate Reality.
  2. The second shabad presents the singularity of the Ultimate despite endless diversity of scriptures, teachers and philosophies.
  3. The third shabad rejects all modes of external piety and ritual, and vividly portrays the entire cosmos making harmonious worship.
  4. Instead of trays with lamps placed upon them with incense and other offerings, the skies become an integrated platter, the sun and moon the lamps, stars the beads, and all vegetation an offering of flowers. Loud chanting is replaced by the inner unstruck melody playing motionlessly.
  5. The fourth shabad explains the importance of the divine Name through which all suffering and transmigration is annulled.
  6. The fifth shabad celebrates life here in this world: we must avail ourselves of this wonderful opportunity to serve others and to win divine merit. The unknown Mystery becomes known to the enlightened person who thereafter enjoys the bliss and freedom of immortality.

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