Assam Labour Construction Worker Disability Pension & Exgratia Payment Form - Summary
Assam Labour Construction Worker Disability Pension & Exgratia Payment Form is also in the English language. The Board sanctions an amount of Rs. 2,000 per month and Rs. 100/- per month for every completed year of service from the year of registration as disability pension to a beneficiary who is permanently disabled due to paralysis leprosy, TB., accident etc. in addition to this pension he will be eligible for an Exgratia payment of not more than Rs. 3.00 Lakh (one-time Exgratia) depending upon the percentage of disability and subject to such conditions as fixed by the Board.
You can download the Assam Labour Construction Worker Disability Pension & Exgratia Payment Form in PDF format online form official website link provided below or can download from the alternative link.