Assam Gramin Vikash Bank Account Opening Form - Summary
Here is the Assam Gramin Vikash Bank Account Opening Form, specifically designed for Resident Individuals. This form can be used for opening a savings, current, term deposit, or other types of deposit accounts. You will need to fill in personal details like your Name, Address, Type of Nature of Income, and PAN.
Important Notes About Account Management
The Bank may, upon receiving a written application from either party (Former or Survivor) in its absolute discretion and subject to the terms and conditions stipulated by the Bank:
- Grant a loan or advance against the security of the term deposit receipt issued in joint names;
- Make premature payment of the proceeds from the term deposit;
- Close the account without consulting the other depositors.
In such cases, the Bank will be completely discharged once the account is closed in this manner.
Required Details for Assam Gramin Vikash Bank Account Opening Form
- Name* (Same as ID proof)
- Maiden Name (If any*)
- Father / Spouse Name*
- Mother Name*
- Date of Birth*
- Gender
- Marital Status*
- Citizenship
- Residential Status*
- Occupation Type*
- Photograph
- Proof of Identity
- Proof of Address
- Email ID
- Mobile
- Signature / Thumb Impression of Applicant
You can easily download the Assam Gramin Vikash Bank Account Opening Form in PDF format from the link provided below or through an alternative link. ЁЯУД