Future Generali Motor Claim Form - Summary
To successfully process your insurance claim, whether it’s for motor insurance or any other type, you need to download the Future Generali Motor Claim Form PDF. You can obtain this important document from the official website Future Generali or directly download it from the link given at the bottom of this page.
Your Claim Intimation
When you need to make a claim, it’s crucial to provide certain details. The claim intimation must clearly state the date, place, and cause of the incident. The insurance agent is responsible for assisting the family or assignee of the life assured in handling the process with the insurance company. If someone with a life insurance policy, known as the life assured, passes away, it is vital to inform the insurance company as soon as possible. The assignee or nominee named in the policy, or any close relative, can carry out this duty.
Future Generali Motor Claim Form – Documents Required
- Filled-up claim form (provided by the insurance company)
- Certificate of death
- Policy document
- Deeds of assignments/ re-assignments if any
- Legal evidence of title, if the policy is not assigned or nominated
- Form of discharge executed and witnessed
Don’t wait to get your benefits! Download the Future Generali Motor Claim Form in PDF format and apply offline to enjoy the advantages of the insurance plan. Click on the link below to visit the official website and proceed with your claim.