RPSC Inspector Factory and Boilers Syllabus 2020 - Summary
- THERMODYNAMICS: Thermodynamics systems and processes and their heat & work analysis, Laws of thermodynamics, flow and non-flow processes, Ideal and real gases, Entropy, Reversible and irreversible processes, availability, Otto, Diesel, Dual and Brayton cycles
- INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES: Classification of I.C. Engines, Two and Four-stroke engines, Combustion in S.I. and C.I. Engines, Fuel supply systems, Ignition systems, Lubrication systems, Cooling system, Performance
parameters and their analysis, Air pollution: causes and control. - HEAT TRANSFER, REFRIGERATION & AIRCONDITIONING: Modes and mechanisms of heat transfer, Conduction through plane and composite walls, cylinders and spheres. Critical thickness of insulation, extended surfaces,
Natural and forced convection heat transfer, Heat exchangers, Radiation. Vapour compression refrigeration cycle, refrigerants and their properties. Psychrometry and psychrometric processes, Air conditioning and load calculation, Effective temperature and human comfort.
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