Duronto Trains Number & Running Schedule - Summary
Duronto express is a special type of long-distance non-stop train service provided by the Indian Railways. These trains connect important cities without any stops in between the starting point and the end point initially. However, from January 2016, it has become possible to book tickets from those technical stops. The word “Duronto” means “Non-stop” in Bengali, reflecting the quick travel these trains offer.
About Duronto Express
Duronto Express services link major metropolitan areas and state capitals across India. These trains are well-known for their speed and efficiency, making them a popular choice among travelers.
Current Duronto Express Services
As of now, there are only two Duronto expresses that operate daily. One of them is the Nagpur-CSMT Duronto, and the other is the Mumbai Central-Rajkot AC Duronto. Both trains ensure that passengers reach their destinations without unnecessary delays.
If you want to know more details about the Duronto trains, including their numbers and running schedules, make sure to download the PDF provided on our website. This PDF has all the important information you need to plan your journey efficiently.
Stay tuned for updates and enjoy your travel with Duronto Express!