Tamil Nadu Gazette Name Change Performa Form - Summary
- The applicant should sign the application using their OLD NAME.
- For minors (below 18 years), the parents or guardian must sign in the designated column. If a guardian signs, an attested copy of the Legal Guardianship order must be enclosed. Please mention the relationship of the person signing the form in capital letters.
- All documents must be self-attested.
- Applications for name change will only be accepted from individuals who are natives of this State. A declaration must be provided in the column specified for this purpose.
- The reason for the name change must be clearly mentioned.
- Fees payable: Rs. 415/- since 9-2-2004.
- Payment Methods:
- In person: Cash
- By Post: Send a Demand Draft payable to the Assistant Director(P), Directorate of Stationery and Printing, 110, Anna Salai, Chennai-600002, drawn from a Nationalized Bank. It should be payable at Chennai. If the Demand Draft has lapsed, it must be revalidated by the individual through their respective banks.
- Money Orders or Indian Postal Orders are not accepted.
- No reminders will be sent to the applicant regarding remittances or any other details.
- The application form issued by this department will only be accepted. Xerox copies are not allowed. However, forms can be downloaded from the website mentioned below.
- No correspondence will be entertained with anyone other than the applicant.
- Ensure that the correct Door Number and PIN Code are written clearly in the address.
- Specify only the Native District (the district of birth).
- Accurately indicate punctuation between initials and names.
- The applicant must sign using their old name only.
- A Life Certificate from a Government Medical Practitioner must be enclosed in the original form for applicants aged 60 and above.
- For further information, contact the Assistant Director (P), Chennai-2, Phone No. 2852 0038, Store Section No. 2854 4412, Despatch Section No. 2854 4413, 2854 4414.
- Alias names cannot be printed in both the Old Name and New Name.
- Any discrepancies found in the Gazette must be rectified within six months. After this period, no requests for corrections will be accepted.
- Those without a birth or educational certificate should submit a certificate issued by a Doctor working in any Government Hospital as proof of age.
- You can download the Change of Name Form from our Department WEBSITE: http://www.stationeryprinting.tn.gov.in
You can download the Tamil Nadu Gazette Name Change Form in PDF format online from the link given below. Click to download!