West Bengal Traffic Fine List 2025 PDF

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West Bengal Traffic Fine List 2025 - Summary

West Bengal Transport Ministry has published a notification which implements the central Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 read with the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019 with the effect of the revised Traffic Penalty Rate of West Bengal.

According to this Act anybody who violent any traffic rules then they will be liable for a fine and the fine depends upon the violence of traffic rules in west Bengal.

West Bengal Traffic Fine List 2025  -পশ্চিমবঙ্গের ট্রাফিক নিয়ম লঙ্ঘনের নতুন জরিমানার হার

Sl. No. Nature of offence Violation of Section of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 Penal Section of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 under which offence committed is to be compounded Penal measures (1st offense) Penal measures (2nd and subsequent offence)
1 Non possession of DL, CF, Permit, Insurance 130(1), (2), (3) & (4) and other offences where specifically no penalty is provided for the offence 177 Rs. 500/= Rs. 1,500/=
2 Holder of CC permit refuses to ply or carry passengers 178(3) Rs. 500/=
3 Disobedience of order given by the concerned authority 179(1) Rs. 2,000/=
4 Withholds or gives false information to the concerned authority 179(2) Rs. 2,000/=
5 Plying vehicle without effective and valid Driving Licence 3, 4 & 5 180 & 181 Rs. 5,000/=
6 Driving by person disqualified for holding/ obtaining DL 182(1) Rs. 10,000/=
7 Unauthorised alteration by OEM/ dealer etc 182A(1) Rs. 1,00,000/= per such motor vehicle
8. Unauthorized alteration of vehicle by owner 182A(4) Rs. 5,000/= per such alteration
9 Prohibition of registration and issuance of CF to oversized vehicle 62A 182B Rs. 10,000/=
10 Driving at excessive speed 112 183/1  for LMV Rs. 1,000/=  for MGV/ MPV/ HGV/HPV Rs. 2,000/= i) for LMV Rs. 2,000/=
(ii) for MGV/MPV/H GV/HPV Rs. 4,000/= DL of the driver shall be impounded u/s 206(4)
11 Driving dangerously 184 Rs. 5,000/= If committed within three years of previous similar offence, Rs. 10,000/=
12 Driving when mentally or physically unfit 186 Rs. 1,000/= Rs. 2,000/=
13 Unauthorized racing of speed 189 Rs. 5,000/= Rs. 10,000/=
14 Violation of standards prescribed in relation to road safety, control of noise and air pollution 190(2) Rs. 10,000/= and the driver of the vehicle shall be disqualified for holding licence for a period of three months Rs. 10,000/= and the driver of the vehicle shall be disqualified for holding licence for a period of three months
15 Plying vehicle without valid Registration of vehicle 39 192 Rs. 5,000/= Rs. 10,000/=
16 Plying vehicle without valid Certificate of Fitness 56 192 Rs. 10,000/= Rs. 10,000/=
17 Plying vehicle without valid permit 66 192A Rs. 10,000/= Rs. 10,000/=
18 Carrying excess loud 113, 114 194, 194(1), 194(1A), 194(2) Fine to be realized in terms of notification no. 2023-WT/3M-128/1997 (Part IIID) dated 30.07.2021 annexed herewith.
19 Carrying excess passenger in transport vehicle 194A Rs. 200/= per excess passenger and offloading of excess passengers and arrangement of alternative transport for them by the offender
20 Use of safety belts by driver, seating passenger and children below 14 years 194B Rs. 1,000/=
21 Violation of safety measures for two wheeler riders 128 194C Rs. 1,000/= and the offender shall be disqualified for holding driving licence for three months
22 Not wearing protective headgear 129 194D Rs. 1,000/= and the offender shall be disqualified for holding driving licence for three months
23 Failure to allow free passage to Emergency vehicles 194E Rs. 10,000/=
24 Use of horns in silence zone 194F Rs. 1,000/= Rs. 2,000/=
25 Necessity for insurance against third-party risk 146 196 Rs. 2,000/= Rs. 4,000/=
26 Unauthorised interference with vehicles 198 Rs. 1,000/=

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