UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist Revised Syllabus 2020 - Summary
The Union Public Service Commission in consultation with the Government (Ministry of Mines, the Nodal Ministry) has decided to revise the Scheme, Pattern and Syllabi of the Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist Examination. The salient features of the same are as under:
- (i)The nomenclature of this Examination has been changed to “Combined Geo-Scientist Examination”in place of “Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist Examination”.
- (ii)There will a three tier examination pattern i.e. (i) Stage-I : Preliminary Examination (ii) Stage-II : Main Examination (iii) Stage-III : Personality Test.
- (iii)Preliminary Examination will screen the candidates for taking the Main Examination (Stage–II).
- (iv)The Preliminary Examination will be of objective type having two Papers. Marks secured in this Examination will be counted for deciding the final merit.
- (v)The Preliminary Examination will be a Computer Based Examination.
- (vi)The Main Examination will have three Papers for each Stream and all Papers willbe of descriptive type. Marks secured in this Examination will be counted for deciding the final merit.
- (vii)Existing General English Paper has been discontinued.
- (viii)The Revised Scheme, Pattern and Syllabi of the Examination will be made effective from the 2020 Examination to give sufficient preparation time to the aspirants.