Svayem Scheme Guidelines PDF

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Svayem Scheme Guidelines - Summary

Under the Re-SVAYEM Scheme, the Government of Assam aims to foster an ‘entrepreneurship-oriented ecosystem’ in the state. This initiative specifically supports *existing members of SHGs (Self-Help Groups), members of Joint Liability Groups (JLGs), members of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), and members of Cluster Level SPVs/Federations in establishing new ventures or enhancing their current projects.

Key Objectives of the Re-SVAYEM Scheme

Empowering Entrepreneurs and Rural Development

  • Offer ‘working capital support’ to help motivated individuals and groups start new economic activities or grow their existing businesses.
  • Provide ‘seed money’ to kickstart promising new business ventures.
  • Enhance the State Government’s focus on the rural economy by giving priority to agriculture and allied sectors, rural industries, and rural artisans.
  • Establish ‘clusters of producers and groups’ to boost their negotiating power in the market.

To achieve these goals, the Government of Assam, starting from FY 2020-21, plans to provide financial aid to selected Re-SVAYEM members in the form of ‘Seed Capital’. This support will help them develop their entrepreneurial ventures and enable them to access credit through partnerships with banking and financial institutions.

The aim is to nurture a group of young entrepreneurs across Assam, capable of engaging in various economic and production activities within both government and non-government sectors. Over time, these entrepreneurs are expected to evolve into production centers, generating more job opportunities in rural and semi-urban areas of the state. Such efforts will contribute significantly to accelerating economic growth in Assam.

For more information, you can download the Svayem Scheme Guidelines in PDF format using the link provided below or through the alternate link.

Also, Check

Assam SVAYEM Scheme Application Form


Svayem Scheme Guidelines PDF Download