MSP for Kharif Crops 2021-22 PDF

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MSP for Kharif Crops 2021-22 - Summary

MSP for Kharif crops 2021-22 has been approved by the Cabinet Committee for all kharif crops to ensure remunerative prices to the growers for their produce.

The highest absolute increase in MSP over the previous year has been recommended for sesamum (Rs. 452 per quintal) followed by tur and urad (Rs. 300 per quintal each). In the case of groundnut and nigerseed, there has been an increase of Rs 275 per quintal and Rs 235 per quintal respectively in comparison to last year. The differential remuneration is aimed at encouraging crop diversification.

MSP for Kharif Crops for marketing season 2021-22 (2020-21)

Crop MSP 2020-21 MSP 2021-22 Cost* of production 2021-22 (Rs/quintal) Increase in MSP (Absolute) Return over cost (in percent)
Paddy (Common) 1868 1940 1293 72 50
Paddy (GradeA)^ 1888 1960 72
Jowar (Hybrid) (Hybrid) 2620 2738 1825 118 50
Jowar (Maldandi)^ 2640 2758 118
Bajra 2150 2250 1213 100 85
Ragi 3295 3377 2251 82 50
Maize 1850 1870 1246 20 50
Tur (Arhar) 6000 6300 3886 300 62
Moong 7196 7275 4850 79 50
Urad 6000 6300 3816 300 65
Groundnut 5275 5550 3699 275 50
Sunflower Seed 5885 6015 4010 130 50
Soyabean (yellow) 3880 3950 2633 70 50
Sesamum 6855 7307 4871 452 50
Nigerseed 6695 6930 4620 235 50
Cotton (Medium Staple) 5515 5726 3817 211 50
Cotton (Long Staple)^ 5825 6025 200

The increase in MSP for Kharif Crops for marketing season 2021-22 is in line with the Union Budget 2018-19 announcement of fixing the MSPs at a level of at least 1.5 times of the All-India weighted average Cost of Production (CoP), aiming at reasonably fair remuneration for the farmers. The expected returns to farmers over their cost of production are estimated to be highest in the case of Bajra (85%) followed by urad (65%) and tur (62%). For rest of the crops, the return to farmers over their cost of production is estimated to be at least 50%.

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