Ethics and Values Book - Summary
Ethics and values encompass essential guidelines for conduct that address questions of morality. Value, on the other hand, provides the principles and ideals that help us judge what is truly important in life. Ethics and values guide our actions, teaching us how to conduct ourselves in our daily lives. Their significance lies in their ability to lead individuals to make the right choices at the right times. Recently, the Odisha Government Education Department has introduced a new subject, Ethics and Values, for Undergraduate (UG) students.
Introduction to the Ethics and Values Book
The Odisha State Higher Education Council has designed a comprehensive syllabus for the Ethics and Values subject. This syllabus is structured into 6 units, with each semester of the three-year UG program focusing on one unit.
Ethics and Values Book Semester-1
Moral education, which instills ethics and values in students, significantly influences their social thinking, helping them differentiate between right and wrong. In today’s fast-paced world, where there is a noticeable decline in moral values, moral education has become a fundamental necessity. It plays a crucial role in teaching diversity, tolerance, mutual respect, and pluralistic values.
Moral values reflect our ideas about living a good life. Therefore, concerns for moral virtues like honesty, responsibility, and respect for others fall under the domain of moral education. Since young people effortlessly absorb various influences, both good and bad, it is vital for society to provide them with education that instills sound ethical and moral principles. This guidance will empower them to develop positive attitudes and values, enabling them to make wise choices and decisions as they grow into adulthood.
You can download the Ethics and Values Book PDF using the link given below.