English Grammar Topics List PDF

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English Grammar Topics List - Summary

English grammar is essential for understanding the structure of the English language. It encompasses the rules about words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and texts. While variations can exist in different historical, social, cultural, and regional forms of English, these differences are usually less significant compared to those found in pronunciation and vocabulary.

Modern English has moved away from the complex inflectional case system of Indo-European languages and instead utilizes more straightforward analytical structures. Personal pronouns are one aspect that still shows clear morphological case usage more than other word classes.

Comprehensive English Grammar Topics List

Explore Key Topics

  1. Articles
  2. Noun
  3. Noun and The Number
  4. Noun and The Gender
  5. Noun and The Case
  6. Pronoun
  7. Adjective
  8. Interchange of degrees of comparison
  9. Time and Tense
  10. Narrations
  11. Voice
  12. Removal of too
  13. Verb
  14. Verb Form
  15. Auxiliary Verbs
  16. Adverbs
  17. Preposition
  18. Conjunction
  19. Non-finites
  20. Question Tags
  21. Emphatic with Do/Does/Did
  22. Common Errors
  23. Correction of Sentences
  24. Transformation of Sentences 1
  25. Analysis of Sentences
  26. Transformation of Sentences 2
  27. Synthetic of Sentences
  28. Synonyms
  29. Antonyms
  30. One Word Substitution
  31. Phrasal Verbs
  32. Words Often Confused
  33. Idioms and Phrases
  34. Spelling Test
  35. Miscellaneous
  36. The Same Word Used as Different Parts of Speech
  37. Proper Noun (व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा)
  38. Common Noun (जातिवाचक संज्ञा)
  39. Collective Noun (सामूहिक संज्ञा)
  40. Material Noun (सामग्री संज्ञा)
  41. Abstract Noun (सार संज्ञा)
  42. Gerund (क्रियावाचक संज्ञा)
  43. Countable & Uncountable Noun (गणनीय और अगणनीय संज्ञा)
  44. The Noun: Gender (संज्ञा: लिंग)
  45. The Noun: Number (संज्ञा: संख्या)
  46. The Noun: Always Ending with “s” (संज्ञा: हमेशा s’ के साथ समाप्त होता है)

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