CSIR NET Syllabus Chemistry 2023 - Summary
CSIR NET Syllabus Chemistry 2023 PDF has been issued by the NTA from the official website. CSIR NET Chemical Sciences Syllabus covers topics like Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Interdisciplinary topics etc. The CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus is divided into smaller topics for the ease of understanding of the candidates.
CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus has been released along with the CSIR NET Notification PDF. Candidates who are interested in appearing for CSIR NET Exam 2023, must be aware of the CSIR NET Chemical Science Syllabus thoroughly.
CSIR NET Syllabus Chemistry 2023
CSIR NET Earth Science Syllabus: Part B & Part C | |
Organic Chemistry | |
Common named reactions and rearrangements | Applications of organic synthesis. |
Asymmetric synthesis | Resolution – optical and kinetic. |
Determination of enantiomeric and diastereomeric excess | |
Chiral auxiliaries | |
Asymmetric induction methods– substrate, reagent, and catalyst-controlled reactions. | |
Principles of stereochemistry | Configurational and conformational isomerism |
Asymmetric induction | |
Diastereoselectivity | |
Stereogenicity | |
Stereoselectivity | |
Enantioselectivity | |
Geography of India | |
Determination of organic compounds | IR & UV-Vis |
Mass spectroscopic methods | |
Concepts in organic synthesis | Disconnection |
synthons | |
protecting groups | |
linear and convergent synthesis | |
Pericyclic reactions | Cycloaddition |
Sigmatropic rearrangements, electrocyclization | |
Other related concerted reactions. | |
Organic chemistry’s principles and applications of photochemical reactions. | |
Inorganic Chemistry | |
Concepts of acids and bases | Non-aqueous solvents |
hard-soft acid-base concept. | |
Organometallic compounds | Bonding and structure |
Bonding and structure | |
Reactivity, and synthesis. | |
Organometallics in homogeneous catalysis. | |
Bioinorganic chemistry | Porphyrins |
Photosystems | |
Oxygen transport | |
Nitrogen fixation. | |
Metal complexes in medicine | |
Nuclear chemistry | Radio-analytical techniques |
Activation analysis | |
Nuclear reactions, fission, and fusion. | |
Inner transition elements | Redox chemistry |
Spectral and magnetic properties | |
Analytical applications | |
Chemical periodicity | Periodic table |
Elements | |
Groups | |
Physical Chemistry | |
Chemical applications | Group theory |
Symmetry elements | |
Character tables. | |
Solid-state | Bragg’s law and applications |
Band structure of solids | |
Crystal structures. | |
Polymer chemistry | Kinetics of polymerization |
Molar masses. | |
Colloids and surfaces | Isotherms and surface area |
heterogeneous catalysis | |
Properties of colloids. | |
Atomic structure | Spectroscopy |
Antisymmetry principle | |
Many-electron systems. | |
Data analysis | Absolute and relative errors |
Covariance and correlation coefficient | |
Mean and standard deviation | |
Principles of quantum mechanics | Operator algebra |
Orbital and spin angular momenta | |
Postulate | |
Chemical kinetics | Complex reactions |
Determination of reaction mechanisms | |
Steady-state approximation | |
Empirical rate laws and temperature dependence | |
Enzyme kinetics | |
Molecular spectroscopy | Basic principles of magnetic resonance |
Electronic spectra | |
Rotational and vibrational spectra of diatomic molecules. | |
Approximate methods of quantum mechanics | Perturbation theory up to second order in energy |
Variational principle; and its applications. | |
Elementary concepts of MO and VB theories | Huckel theory |
Chemical bonding in diatomics. | |
Electrochemistry | Includes topics such as Ionic equilibria |
Conductometric and potentiometric titrations | |
DebyeHuckel theory | |
Interdisciplinary Topics | |
CSIR NET Chemical Science Interdisciplinary Topics | Environmental chemistry |
Supramolecular Chemistry | |
Chemistry in nanoscience and technology | |
Medicinal chemistry | |
Catalysis and green chemistry |
You can download the CSIR NET Syllabus Chemistry 2023 PDF using the link given below.