Crompton Greaves Motor Price List 2025 PDF

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Crompton Greaves Motor Price List 2025 - Summary

Hello, Friends today we are sharing with you Crompton Motor Price List 2025 PDF to help all of you. If you are searching Crompton Greaves Motor Price List in PDF format then you have arrived at the right website and you can directly download it from the link given at the bottom of this page.

Crompton offers a wide range of high and low-voltage motors (rotating machines). The range includes safe and hazardous area motors, energy-efficient motors as well as motors for special applications like brake motors, re-rolling mills, cement mills, oil-well pumps, etc.

Crompton’s range also includes DC Motors and Traction motors. Its motors are available in various standards and customized configurations to respond to the exacting demands of the industry. CG offers a wide range of High Voltage Motors from 2 to 24 Poles up to 25 MW range in various enclosures like Closed Air Circuit Water Cooled (CACW), Closed Air Circuit Air Cooled (CACA).

Latest Crompton Motor Price List 2025

2 Pole 13000 RPM Motors Price List

OUTPUT Rating 2 Pole 13000 RPM
KW HP Frame List Price
0.37 0.5
0.55 0.75 PC80 22590
0.75 1 PC80 23350
1.1 1.5 PC80 25470
1.5 2 PC90S 29200
2.2 3 PC90L 37460
3.7 5 PCI00L 47970
5.5 7.5 PC132S 79250
7.5 10 PC132S 82070
9.3 12.5 PC160M 132220
11 15 PC160M 137070
15 20 PC160M 160560
18.5 25 PC160L 206320
22 30 PC180M 228930
30 40 PC200L 340320
37 50 PC200L 413230
45 60 PC225M 531790
55 75 PC250M 715830
75 100 PC280S 859600
90 120 PC280M 991530
110 150 PC315S 1252480
132 180 PC315M 1539300
160 215 PC315L 1686200
180 240 PC315L 1775060
200 270 PC315L * 1968600
225 300 PC355L* 2083190
250 335 PC355L* 2205050
275 370 PC355L* 2334450
315 425 PC355L* 2390580

4 Pole / 1500 RPM Motors Price List

OUTPUT Rating 4 Pole 1500 RPM
KW HP Frame List Price
0.37 0.5
0.55 0.75 PC80 24000
0.75 1 PC80 24320
1.1 1.5 PC90S 30010
1.5 2 PC90L 36470
2.2 3 PCI00L 43390
3.7 5 PC112M 55000
5.5 7.5 PC132S 79780
7.5 10 PC132M 94280
9.3 12.5 PC160M 140640
11 15 PC160M 145480
15 20 PC160L 177360
18.5 25 PC180M 226920
22 30 PC180L 248540
30 40 PC200L 342900
37 50 PC225S 400930
45 60 PC225M 485990
55 75 PC250M 667840
75 100 PC280S 781460
90 120 PC280M 910250
110 150 PC315S 1102510
132 180 PC315M 1291860
160 215 PC315L 1633940
180 240 PC315L 1766180
200 270 PC315L* 1839970
225 300 PC355L* 2271460
250 335 PC355L* 2316870
275 370 PC355L* 2454340
315 425 PC355L* 2634420

6 Pole / 1000 RPM Motors Price List

OUTPUT Rating 6 Pole 1000 RPM
KW HP Frame List Price
0.37 0.5 PC80 25890
0.55 0.75 PC80 26640
0.75 1 PC90S 29970
1.1 1.5 PC90L 32860
1.5 2 PCI00L 50360
2.2 3 PC112M 53180
3.7 5 PC132S 78360
5.5 7.5 PC132M 96290
7.5 10 PC160M 143550
9.3 12.5 PC160L 156430
11 15 PC160L 176670
15 20 PC180L 230780
18.5 25 PC200L 323680
22 30 PC200L 355980
30 40 PC225M 497940
37 50 PC250M 669610
45 60 PC280S 802040
55 75 PC280M 921020
75 100 PC315S 1056980
90 120 PC315M 1322620
110 150 PC315M 1474820
132 180 PC315L 1721690
160 215 PC315L 1792670
180 240 PC355L 2190010
200 270 PC355L* 2299450
225 300 PC355L* 2397460
250 335 PC355L* 2517360
275 370 PC355L* 2845760
315 425 PC355L* 3522840

To check the complete price list of crompton motors, please visit the official website at or download the PDF.

You can download the Crompton Greaves Motor Price List PDF using the link given below.

Crompton Greaves Motor Price List 2025 PDF Download