Containment Zones in Delhi List Today PDF

Containment Zones in Delhi List Today in PDF download free from the direct link below.

Containment Zones in Delhi List Today - Summary

This updated Containment Zones in Delhi List today reflects the current status as of 12th May 2021. You can find the latest list on the official website at or by clicking this Link.

Understanding Containment Zones in Delhi

To help control the spread of COVID-19, the Delhi government initiated ‘Operation SHIELD’. This operation aims to trace and identify positive coronavirus cases in the city, reducing the risk of community transmission.

Under Operation SHIELD, the Delhi government has taken action in all containment zones across the city. These containment zones are specific areas where three or more COVID-19 positive cases have been reported.

Thanks to the strict policies enforced by the Delhi government regarding the rules within these containment zones, many have now been marked as decontained.

You can easily download the Containment Zones in Delhi List today in PDF format using the link provided below.

Stay Informed and Safe in Delhi

It is vital to stay informed about containment zones to ensure your safety and that of your loved ones. By keeping an eye on these zones, you can play a part in preventing the spread of the virus. Always follow the latest guidelines and stay protected! 😊


Containment Zones in Delhi List Today PDF Download