Assam Cattle Preservation Bill 2021 PDF

Assam Cattle Preservation Bill 2021 in PDF download free from the direct link below.

Assam Cattle Preservation Bill 2021 - Summary

Assam’s government passed the Preservation Bill, 2021 which proposes the sale of beef only at designated places, restricting any kind of sale in areas resided by non-beef-eating communities.

After the Bill gets the nod of the assembly, sale, offer or exposure of beef will be prohibited in areas that are predominantly inhabited by Hindu, Jain, Sikh, and other non-beef-eating communities. The prohibition will also come into effect within a radius of 5km of any temple, Satra (Vaishnavite monastery’), or other Hindu religious institutions.

It also may be applicable to any other institution or areas prescribed by the competent authority. “No person shall directly or indirectly sell or offer or expose for sale or buy beef or beef products in any form except at places permitted to do so by the competent authority,” read the Bill.

For more details, Download the Assam Cattle Preservation Bill 2021 PDF using the link given below.


Assam Cattle Preservation Bill 2021 PDF Download