PM Vishwakarma Scheme 2023 PDF

PM Vishwakarma Scheme 2023 in PDF download free from the direct link below.

PM Vishwakarma Scheme 2023 - Summary

PM Vishwakarma is a new scheme that envisages providing end-to-end holistic support to traditional artisans and craftspeople in scaling up their conventional products and services. Carpenter (Suthar), Boat Maker, Armourer, Blacksmith (Lohar), Hammer and Tool Kit Maker, Locksmith, Goldsmith (Sunar), Potter (Kumhaar), Sculptor (Moortikar)/ stone carver / Stone breaker, Cobbler (Charmkar)/ Shoesmith/ Footwear artisan, Mason (Raajmistri), Basket Maker/ Basket Waver: Mat maker/ Coir Weaver/ Broom maker, Doll & Toy Maker (Traditional), Barber (Naai), Garland Maker (Malakaar), Washerman (Dhobi), Tailor (Darzi) and Fishing Net Maker.

PM Vishwakarma is a Central Sector Scheme launched by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises to provide holistic and end-to-end support to artisans and craftspeople through access to collateral-free credit, skill training, modern tools, incentive for digital transactions and market linkage support.

PM Vishwakarma Scheme 2023 – Objective

The objectives of the scheme are as given below:

  1. To enable the recognition of artisans and craftspeople as Vishwakarma making them eligible to avail all the benefits under the Scheme.
  2. To provide skill upgradation to hone their skills and make relevant and suitable training opportunities available to them.
  3. To provide support for better and modern tools to enhance their capability, productivity, and quality of products.
  4. To provide the intended beneficiaries easy access to collateral-free credit and reduce the cost of credit by providing interest subvention.
  5. To provide incentives for digital transactions to encourage the digital empowerment of these Vishwakarmas.
  6.  To provide a platform for brand promotion and market linkages to help them access new opportunities for growth.

PM Vishwakarma Scheme 2023 – Eligibility Criteria

  • An artisan or craftsperson working with hands and tools and engaged in one of the 18 family-based traditional trades mentioned in the scheme, in an unorganized sector on a self-employment basis, shall be eligible for registration under PM Vishwakarma.
  • The minimum age of the beneficiary should be 18 years on the date of registration.
  • The beneficiary should be engaged in the concerned trade on the date of registration and should not have availed loans under similar credit-based schemes of the Central Government or State Government for self-employment/ business development, e.g. PMEGP, PM SVANidhi, Mudra, in the past 5 years.
  • The registration and benefits under the Scheme shall be restricted to one member of the family. For availing benefits under the Scheme, a ‘family’ is defined as consisting of the husband, wife, and unmarried children.
  • A person in government service and their family members shall not be eligible under the Scheme.

Eligible Trades For PM Vishwakarma Scheme

Wood Based

  1. Carpenter (Suthar)
  2. Boat Maker

Iron/Metal Based*/ Stone Based

  1. Armourer
  2. Blacksmith (Lohar)
  3. Hammer and Tool Kit Maker
  4. Locksmith
  5. Sculptor (Moortikar, stone carver), Stone Breaker

Gold/Silver Based

  1. Goldsmith (Sunar)

Clay Based

  1. Potter (Kumhaar)

Leather Based

  1. Cobbler (Charmakar)/
    Shoesmith/ Footwear Artisan

Architecture/ Construction

  1. Mason (Raajmistri)


  1. Basket/ Mat/ Broom Maker/ Coir Weaver
  2. Doll & Toy Maker (Traditional)
  3. Barber (Naai)
  4. Garland Maker (Malakaar)
  5. Washerman (Dhobi)
  6. Tailor (Darzi)
  7. Fishing Net Maker

You can download the PM Vishwakarma Scheme 2023 PDF using the link given below.


PM Vishwakarma Scheme 2023 PDF Download