Birds Name List PDF

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Birds Name List - Summary

Birds Name List PDF will be helpful for the children to easily learn and one of the initial things a child comes across when starting to learn a new language is the names of various Birds Name. Apart from the very common bird Names that children see in everyday life, learning all possible bird names will enrich their vocabulary and their knowledge of the rare bird Names available across the world.

Learning about the different names of Birds’ Names will not only strengthen your vocabulary but also enhance your knowledge about various bird names that are in the world.

Birds Name List with their Houses

Bird Name Type of Nest/Shelter
Canary Cup-shaped nest
Cormorant Platform nest on cliffs
Crane Platform nest
Crow Stick nest
Cuckoo Parasitic (lays eggs in other birds’ nests)
Dove Platform nest
Duck Ground nest
Eagle Large stick nest on cliffs
Flamingo Mound nest of mud
Goldfinch Cup-shaped nest
Goose Ground nest
Guineafowl Scrape nest on the ground
Hawk Stick nest on trees or cliffs
Hornbill Enclosed nest in tree cavity or ground hole
Hummingbird Cup-shaped nest on branches
Jay Cup-shaped nest
Kestrel Platform nest on cliffs
Kingfisher Tunnel nest in river banks
Macaw Tree cavity nest
Magpie Cup-shaped nest
Myna Enclosed nest in cavities or buildings
Nightingale Ground nest
Oriole Hanging basket-like nest
Owl Tree cavity or abandoned nest
Parrot Tree cavity nest
Peacock Ground scrape nest
Pelican Platform nest on ground or in trees
Penguin Dig burrows or use pebbles to make nests
Pheasant Ground scrape nest
Pigeon Platform nest on buildings
Raven Stick nest on cliffs
Robin Cup-shaped nest
Sparrow Cup-shaped nest on buildings
Starling Nest in tree cavities or buildings
Swallow Cup-shaped nest on structures or cliffs
Stork Large stick nest on trees or cliffs
Tailorbird Elaborate hanging nest
Toucans Tree cavity or hollow nest
Turkey Ground nest
Vulture No specific nest, lays eggs in rocky crevices
Wagtails Cup-shaped nest on ground or cliffs
Weaverbird Elaborate woven nests in trees
Woodpecker Nest in tree cavities

Bird Name Chart

Bird Name Chart PDF
Bird Name Chart PDF

Birds Name Hindi & English

No. English Name उच्चारण हिंदी नाम
1. Humming Bird हमिंग बर्ड गाने वाला पक्षी
2. Houbara Bustard होबरा बस्टर्ड तिलोर
3. Peregrine Falcon पेरिग्रीन फ़ैलकॉन परदेशी बाज
4. Falcon फ़ैलकॉन बाज
5. Robin रोबिन लाल वक्ष वाला पक्षी
6. Stork स्टोर्क बगुला
7. Hawk-Cockoo हॉक ककू पपीहा
8. Wagtail वेगटेल खंजन
9. Hoopoe हुपी हुदहुद
10. Kingfisher किंगफिशर राम चिरैया
11. Flamingo फ्लेमिंगो राजहंस
12. Dove डव फाख्ता
13. Cuckoo कक्कू कोयल
14. Partridge पार्ट्रिज तीतर
15. Quail क्वेल बटेर
16. Lark लार्क लवा पक्षी
17. Nightingale नाईटेंगल बुलबुल
18. Eagle ईगल चील
19. Ostrich ऑस्ट्रीच शुतुरमुर्ग
20. Swallow स्वैलो अबाबील


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