Exam Warriors - Summary
Exam Warriors PDF by Narender Modi is not only an inspiring book for students but also for their parents and teachers. Written in a fun and interactive style, with illustrations, activities, and yoga asanas, this book will be a friend in acting exams and facing life. Non-preachy practical and thought-provoking, Exam warriors is a handy guide for the youth of India and across the world.
Exam Warriors PDF Book is written keeping in mind the fear of exams, students face during the period of their exams. In this book twenty-five mantras are given in the form of chapters for the youth’s brain mentally strong and fit, to keep warriors’ spirits during examinations, and to overcome exam stress. There is an activity given after every chapter. He advised parents in the end not to pressurize their children for exams.
Exam Warriors – Features
- Exams are like festivals so celebrate them: In the first chapter of the book Narendra Modi asks students to celebrate exams like festivals. We should prepare for exams just like we prepare before the arrival of festivals. Every festival has its story to celebrate it. Exams are the opportunity to test yourselves.
- Exam tests your current preparation not you: Do not get tense with exams because it is a test of your current preparation not you. He gave an example of APJ Abdul Kalam who wanted to be Pilot but became one of the greatest scientists. Many children attempt suicide not to perform according to the expectation. Students should not take tension for exams.
- Laugh in and laugh out: Here Modi asks students to enter the exam hall with laughter because due to stress students are not able to recall answers even after knowing everything in the exam hall but after exam students automatically recall every answers. he presents himself as an example when he could not do well in exam due to stress.
- You are a warriors not a worriers: Narendra Modi emphasizes on becoming a warrior not a worrier, attempting the things in which problems occur this will help you to become a warrior . Here he gives an example of Rani Laxmi bai who has been a great fighter of India.
- Knowledge is permanent pursue it: In this chapter the author asks always to focus on knowledge not to obtain marks in exams because when you study to obtain marks it restricts your knowledge it does not expand your knowledge. He gave an example of lawyers and doctors, whose marks are not asked before consultation.
- Compete with yourself: In this chapter the author has divided competition in two parts one with others and second is with yourselves. There are three possibilities while competing with others: one is better than one, worse than one and equal to one; these all have their drawbacks.
- Time Management: In this chapter PM Modi insists students to manage time during exams. Because it helps students to manage pressure. He asks students to make their time table and take small breaks between them so that they can best use 24 hours.
- The Present is God’s greatest Present: PM Modi gives the mantra to the students to live in the present only. the present will be ruined thinking of the past and future. Students should plan for their future working in the present, and taking lessons from the past.
- Technology the Great Teacher: In this Chapter, PM Modi asks students to use technology to learn.
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