Punjab Excise Policy 2022-23 - Summary
The Punjab Government has approved the new excise policy for Session 2022-23 which is expected to generate revenue of ₹9,647.85 crores. The new policy strives to keep a stringent check on the smuggling of liquor from neighboring States through extensive enforcement, including with technology. The Cabinet also gave its nod for allotting two special battalions of police to the Excise Department, in addition to the already existing force, for keeping an effective vigil over excise duty pilferage, the statement added.
The Punjab Government hopes to raise the excise revenue by 40 percent on the assumption that the smuggling from Chandigarh and Haryana would end with the fall in the liquor prices. the Punjab government has allowed the sale of an unlimited quota of beer and Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) and the move is expected to bring down the liquor prices by 35-60 percent, effective July 1. Moreover, after the new policy, the state is expected to garner a total revenue of Rs 9,647.85 crore in the current financial year as compared with Rs 6,158 crore in 2021-22.
Punjab Excise Policy 2022-23 -KEY FEATURES
- Distillers, liquor distributors, and retailers have been delinked. Earlier, they were themselves involved in the liquor retail business
- In the case of country-made liquor, each distiller will appoint one distributor. Similarly, all other manufacturers will have one distributor, who will then supply liquor to all retailers
- The government has also lifted the ban on the opening of new distilleries in the state
- The size of the groups (licensing units) is being brought down to 177 from 750 last year
Under the excise policy 2022-23, distillers, liquor distributors and retailers have been de-linked. Earlier, they were all involved in the liquor retail business. In the case of country-made liquor, each distiller will appoint one distributor. Similarly, all other manufacturers will have one distributor, who will then supply liquor to all retailers. The ban on the opening of new distilleries in the state has also been lifted.
The policy garners revenue through licence fee, which is derived through e-tender/auction. Cow cess and special licence fee has also been subsumed under the licence fee. The excise duty on IMFL, beer and imported foreign liquor (IFL) has been kept at 1 per cent. The government will introduce 40 degrees PML, which will be in white colour and sold in 180 ml food-grade plastic pouches, to discourage illicit distillation from lahan.
You can download the Punjab Excise Policy 2022-23 PDF using the link given below.