CGHS Rates List 2025 PDF

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CGHS Rates List 2025 - Summary

The rates of the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) for general surgery have been revised recently. An Office Memorandum from the Directorate of CGHS, Department of Health and Family Welfare under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, mentioned the revised rates of packages from the date of issue i.e. February 1, 2024.

CGHS is the model health care facility provider for central government employees & pensioners and is unique of its kind due to the large volume of the beneficiary base, and open-ended generous approach to providing health care. CGHS scheme is unique and highly beneficial because of the prices at which world-class treatment is provided across all parts of the country in the impaneled CGHS Hospitals.

Revised CGHS Rate List 2025

Code CGHS Treatment/Procedure/ Investigation List Revised CGHS Rates for NABH accredited Hospitals (Rs) Revised CGHS Rates for Non- NABH accredited Hospitals (Rs)
3 Dressings of wounds 300 255
5 Aspiration Plural Effusion – Diagnostic 700 595
6 Aspiration Plural Effusion – Therapeutic 700 595
7 Abdominal / Peritoneal Aspiration – Diagnostic / Ascitic tapping / paracentesis – Diagnostic 700 595
8 Abdominal / Peritoneal Aspiration – Therapeutic/ Ascitic tapping / paracentesis- Therapeutic 750 640
12 Removal of Stitches /Sutures (7- 12 sutures) 200 170
13 Venesection 700 595
14 Phimosis correction / Paraphimosis reduction / Circumcision Under LA 6000 5100
16 Injection /Sclerotherapy / Bandingof Haemorrhoids 700 595
17 Injection for Varicose Veins 700 595
18 Urinary bladder Catheterisation 700 595
19 Dilatation of Urethral stricture 2300 1955
20 Incision & Drainage under local Anaesthesia (Large) 2300 1955
371 Suturing of small wounds 1250 1060
372 Secondary suture of wounds 4000 3400
373 Debridement of wounds 1500 1275
374 Removal Of Foreign Bodies- without C-ARM 1500 1275
375 Excision of Cervical Lymph Node under LA 3100 2635
376 Excision of Axillary Lymph Node under Gl Anaesthesia 7900 6715
377 Excision of Inguinal Lymph Node under LA 3000 2550
381 Trucut Needle Biopsy (Including Needle) 3500 2975
390 Haemorrhoidectomy 30000 25500
391 Stappler haemorrhoidectomy 43700 37145
393 Varicose vein Surgery- Trendelenburg operation with suturing or ligation 23000 19550
420 Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia 40000 34000
421 Hiatus Hernia Repair- Abdominal 33000 28050
422 Hiatus Hernia Repair-Transthoracic 33000 28050
423 Exploratory Laparotomy (open) 25000 21250
424 Epigastric Hernia Repair 25000 21250
427 Inguinal Hernia Herniorrhaphy 26000 22100
428 Inguinal Hernia – Hernioplasty- 32000 27200
429 Femoral Hernia Repair 32000 27200
441 Cholecystectomy 24000 20400
442 Cholecystectomy & Exploration of CBD 33000 28050
444 Operation for Hydatid Cyst of Liver 27000 22950
446 Hepatic Resections (Lobectomy/Hepatectomy) 33000 28050
449 Appendicectomy 19000 16150
455 including exploratory Laparotomy 47500 40375
460 Excision of Small Intestine Fistula 45000 38250
463 Operations of the Duplication of the Intestines — including exploratory Laparotomy 41000 34850
469 Terminal Colostomy 30000 25500
470 Closure of Colostomy 30000 25500
471 Right Hemi-colectomy 32000 27200
472 Left Hemi-colectomy 32000 27200
473 Total Colectomy 40000 34000
476 Fissure in Ano with Internal sphinctrectomy with fissurectomy. 32000 27200
477 Fissure in Ano – Fissurectomy 29000 24650
478 Rectal Polyp-Excision 13700 11645
479 Fistula in Ano – High Fistulectomy 35000 29750
480 Fistula in Ano – Low Fistulectomy 23000 19550
482 Prolapse Rectum – Rectopexy 14000 11900
483 Prolapse Rectum – Grahams Operation Deleted Deleted
485 Excision of Pilonidal Sinus (open) 22000 18700
486 Excision of Pilonidal Sinus with closure 25000 21250
491 Radio ablation of varicose veins (RFA Ablation) 8500 7225
492 Laser ablation of varicose veins 40000 34000
502 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy 33000 28050
503 Laparoscopic Appedicectomy 30000 25500
504 LaparoscopicHernia – inguinoplasty (includingTacker and Mesh) 35000 29750
509 Other Major Surgery-Abdomen/GI Surgery Deleted Deleted
510 Other Minor Surgery-Abdomen/GI Surgery Deleted Deleted

Qualified Person Treatment under the CGHS Scheme

All the central government employees paid from the central civil estimates (except railways and Delhi administration), including their families are eligible for CGHS. The pensioners of the central government (except pensioners belonging to Railways and the Armed Forces) and their families will also be eligible for CGHS.

  1. All Government employees who work under the central Government
  2. Family members of Government employees living or working in CGHS-covered areas
  3. Members of Parliament, both sitting and former
  4. Pensioners who receive a pension under the central civil estimates
  5. Freedom fighters
  6. Former Vice Presidents
  7. All former Governors and Lieutenant Governors of Indian states
  8. PIB – accredited journalists (for Delhi)
  9. Sitting and former Judges of the Supreme Court and High Court
  10. Police personnel working in Delhi
  11. Railway board employees

How to Download CGHS Rates List – City Wise

You can visit the official website of of CGHS at this link and select city of your choice to view the complete rate list. You can then click the Print icon to print the rate list as PDF.

You can download the CGHS Rates List PDF (Delhi-NCR) using the link given below.


CGHS Rates List 2025 PDF Download