UDISE Form 2021-22 PDF

UDISE Form 2021-22 in PDF download free from the direct link below.

UDISE Form 2021-22 - Summary

Hello, Freinds today we are sharing with you UDISE Form 2021-22 PDF to help all of you. If you are searching UDISE Form 2021-22 IN PDF format then you can download it from the official website https://udiseplus.gov.inor it can be directly downloaded from the link given at the bottom of this page.

UDISE (Unified District Information System for Education) is a database about schools in India. The database was developed at the Department of School Education, MHRD, Govt. of India, and Maintained by the National Informatics Centre, Govt. of India. It records information such as the level of dropouts and the condition of school toilets.

UDISE Form 2021-22 – Overview

File Name UDISE Form 2021-22 PDF
Issuing Authority Ministry of Education, Government of India
Purpose Allocated UDISE code to a School
Category Education
Uses Apply UDISE Code
Official Website udiseplus.gov.in
UDISE Form 2021-22 PDF Download PDF

UDISE Form 2021-22 – How to Get UDISE Code

Every school in the country will be given a unique UDISE code. If a new school is established, the school needs to get a UDISE code for establishing a unique identity in the UDISE+ records. Schools should undertake the following steps:

  • The school user should approach the district MIS officer with requisite documentation, especially the recognition letter of the school. This is applicable to both recognized and unrecognized schools.
  • District MIS user will apply for UDISE code through the “School Directory Management” in the UDISE+ system and the request would flow to the state MIS user for approval.
  • State MIS users will verify the application and request any clarification at the district level. State-level user is the sole authority for approval of UDISE code generation for the school.
  • Once verification gets completed at the state MIS level, the application is sent to Ministry of Education for UDISE code generation.
  • The UDISE code generation process takes approx. a week to get completed

You can download the UDISE Form 2021-22 PDF using the link given below.


UDISE Form 2021-22 PDF Download