SBI SCO Recruitment Notification 2021 PDF

SBI SCO Recruitment Notification 2021 in PDF download free from the direct link below.

SBI SCO Recruitment Notification 2021 - Summary

State Bank of India invites On-line application from Indian citizen for appointment in the following Specialist Cadre Officer post on regular basis. Candidates are requested to apply On-line through the link given in Bank’s website or Applicants must have completed Basic Qualification: Full time MBA/ PGDM or Post Graduate Management degree and full time BE/ B Tech in any stream. The Institute should be recognized / approved by Govt. bodies/ AICTE/ UGC.

SBI Selection Process 2021:

The Selection will be made out for Shortlisting & Interview.

Shortlisting: Mere fulfilling minimum qualification and experience will not vest any right in candidate for being called for interview. The Short listing Committee constituted by the Bank will decide the short listing parameters and thereafter, adequate number of candidates, as decided by the Bank will be shortlisted and called for interview. The decision of the bank to call the candidates for the interview shall be final. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

Interview: Interview will carry 100 marks. The qualifying marks in interview will be decided by the Bank. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

Merit List: Merit list for selection will be prepared in descending order on the basis of scores obtained in interview only. In case more than one candidate score the cut-off marks (common marks at cut-off point), such candidates will be ranked according to their age in descending order, in the merit list.

For more details download the SBI SCO Recruitment Notification 2021 in PDF format using the link given below or an alternative link.


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