Rapidex English Speaking Course Book PDF

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Rapidex English Speaking Course Book - Summary

Rapidex English Speaking Course PDF is your guide to improving English communication. This book is part of a series that includes other educational titles like The Science and Philosophy of Spirituality, New Pattern IIT JEE Chemistry, and A Textbook of Physical Chemistry for IIT JEE. This unique English language course is perfect for students at a pre-intermediate to intermediate level (A2-B1), helping you build confidence in speaking English. You will enhance your skills in English Speaking, English Listening, English Vocabulary, English Grammar, and English Pronunciation.

Unlock Your English Communication Skills

Many of us have encountered difficulties in English communication, which is why we have made the Rapidex book available for you. There are numerous English-speaking course books available in the market, but it is essential to choose the best one for your needs.

Rapidex English Speaking Course Book – Topics List


  1. Salutation Words in English
  2. Good Manner Words in English
  3. Exclamation Words in English
  4. Frequently used phrases
  5. Alphabet
  6. Pronunciation of Alphabet
  7. Mute Letters and Capitals
  8. Numerals
  9. Days and Week
  10. Year and Months


  1. Noun
  2. Number
  3. Genetive
  4. Pronouns
  5. Contraction
  6. The Sentence
  7. Question Form
  8. Imperative Sentences
  9. Miscellaneous Model Sentences
  10. Articles
  11. Some Auxiliary Verbs
  12. Verbs and their three Forms
  13. Present Tense
  14. Past Tense
  15. Future Tense
  16. Active and Passive Voice
  17. Some Adverbs and Conjunctions
  18. Preposition
  19. Comparative and Superlative Words
  20. Transformation of Sentences
  21. Spelling
  22. What time is it?
  23. Idioms
  24. Direct and Indirect Speech
  25. Punctuation


  1. My Motherland
  2. Politeness and Etiquette
  3. Body, Health, and Beauty
  4. Greeting and Gratitude
  5. Books and Reading
  6. Trees, Plants, and Vegetation
  7. Cautions and Signals
  8. Work and Rest
  9. We and Weather
  10. Leisure and Pleasure
  11. Pleasures and Pain
  12. Childhood, Youth and Old Age
  13. Bazar and Shopping
  14. Dealings and Occupation
  15. Dress and Food
  16. Feelings and Emotions
  17. Anger
  18. Affection
  19. Quarrel
  20. Forgiveness
  21. Advice and Opinion
  22. Birds and Beasts
  23. Love and Marriage
  24. Office and Bank


  1. Conversation
  2. Father and daughter
  3. Mother and son
  4. Talking to a girl
  5. Talking to a boy
  6. Conversation between two students
  7. Getting ready for the office
  8. The arrival of a guest
  9. Talking to a servant
  10. A birthday party
  11. Meeting on the way
  12. At the bus stop
  13. Speaking to the class teacher
  14. A bookseller’s shop
  15. Booking a trunk call
  16. At the general store
  17. At the departmental store
  18. On the Railway Platform
  19. An accident
  20. At the Airport
  21. At the Bank opening account
  22. Visiting a patient
  23. Asking the address
  24. Facing an interview
  25. Financial matters
  26. Day to day difficulties
  28. Word formation and Vocabulary
  29. Affixation
  30. Suffix
  31. Reduplicative, Conversion, Blends
  32. Compounds
  33. Words often confused
  34. Nationality words
  35. Antonyms
  36. Some foreign words and phrases in English
  37. One word substitution
  38. Animals cries and other sounds
  39. Collective phrases
  40. Some set comparisons

Rapidex English Speaking Course Book in Hindi

पहला अभियान (1st Expedition)

  1. बोलचाल में अभिवादन के वाक्य (Sentences of Greeting)
  2. अंग्रेजी में शिष्टाचार (Manners and Etiquette)
  3. भावबोधक (Exclamations)
  4. छोटे-छोटे वाक्यांश (Phrases)
  5. वर्तमान काल (Present Tense)
  6. भूतकाल (Past Tense)
  7. भविष्य काल (Future Tense)
  8. कुछ महत्वपूर्ण सहायक क्रियाएं (Some Important Helping Verbs)
  9. अभ्यास तालिका (Drill Tables)

दूसरा अभियान (IInd Expedition)

  1. रोमन लिपि की वर्णमाला (Roman Alphabet)
  2. अंग्रेजी के स्वर और व्यंजन (Vowels & Consonants)
  3. अंग्रेजी उच्चारण (English Pronunciation of Consonants)
  4. व्यंजनों का उच्चारण
  5. शब्दों में अनुच्चारित अक्षर
  6. प्रश्नवाचक वाक्यों में what, who, how, which, when, where & why आदि का प्रयोग
  7. प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य-रचना (मिश्रित)
  8. नकारात्मक वाक्य
  9. अभ्यास

तीसरा अभियान (IIIrd Expedition)

  1. सर्वनाम तथा अव्ययों का प्रयोग
  2. स्थान-सूचक
  3. वाक्यों में एक दुसरे के पूरक शब्द
  4. क्रिया तथा अन्य शब्दों से आवश्यक Prepositions का प्रयोग
  5. वाक्य परिवर्तन
  6. अभ्यास तालिका

चौथा अभियान (IV Expedition)

  1. निमंत्रण
  2. भेंट और विदा
  3. आभार
  4. अस्वीकृत वाक्य
  5. आहार सम्बन्धी वाक्य
  6. निर्देश / आज्ञा 1 और 2
  7. निषेध के वाक्य
  8. झगड़ा संबंधी वाक्य
  9. अभ्यास

पांचवा अभियान (Vth Expedition)

  1. घर में
  2. मिलने पर
  3. खरीदारी
  4. अध्ययन
  5. स्वास्थ्य
  6. व्यक्ति और आयु
  7. अभ्यास

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Rapidex English Speaking Course Book PDF Download